Chapter 21

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Juliet's whole world stopped the moment she heard those dreadful words. Gone. Magnum couldn't be gone. That was impossible. Definitely not true. It must have been a bad dream and she was just about to wake up. But unfortunately, one look at Nick's face and Juliet knew that no matter how preposterous it may have sounded, he wasn't joking. He meant every single word – "I'm afraid he's gone."

No, he couldn't just die. Not Magnum. He had been in so many situations, probably even more dangerous than this one and he always came out alive. Some of their cases involved lots of danger but every time it turned out fine in the end and it was supposed to happen the same way this time as well. She couldn't even imagine how she would go on without him by her side. How would she start her day without their constant teasing? Although when she first met him, his approach towards some things, especially work and money, kept irritating her, but she eventually changed her mind after getting to know him better. And now when those few years had passed, she simply couldn't imagine her life without Thomas Magnum.

Therefore, Juliet made a decision that no matter how hard and hopeless the situation may seem, she wouldn't give up on her partner. Never.

Nick was observing Higgins' reaction to the dramatic news. Although he was sent to kidnap her and he was holding her and Magnum against their will for these couple of days, and kidnappers weren't supposed to form bonds with their victims, he sympathized with the PIs. He guessed that he started feeling it when he was preparing for the snatch and observing the woman. Really soon after the observation had begun, he noticed how Juliet acted towards her partner and vice versa. It was so obvious they both cared for each other so much although they seemed not to act on their feelings at that time. This strong bond between them was something that made him deeply impressed with. It also reminded him of his own feelings and his life full of pure happiness at one time when he shared it with the woman he truly loved. And then he lost her and his life was never the same.

Gently, Nick laid his hand on Juliet's arm. "Juliet, are you all right?" He asked her gently, he was really concerned about her.

"No!" She shouted as soon as she felt his touch and jerked away his hand. "You're wrong. Magnum isn't dead. He can't be."

Her far-away look finally disappeared and she met his eyes. What he saw there, shook him to the core. With her tightened lips and furrowed brows, she suddenly seemed so focused and her eyes expressed strong determination.

"Juliet, I am really sorry but Magnum is dead and there's nothing we can do for him."

"!" She shouted even louder, shaking her head violently.

She must be in shock. Nick thought and trying to calm her down a bit, he reached to her but she instantly snapped at him.

"Don't say that! We can still save him..." She replied and then added quietly, "I can save him."

With that being said, she immediately moved to Thomas' chest and started giving him compressions.

"Come on, Magnum, I know you're still in there. You can do it." She murmured while counting the number of compressions in her head.

Nick was standing nearby, watching her remarkable effort to bring her dead partner back to life. He was sure it was futile but she kept trying, on and on. He was full of admiration for Juliet that despite the obvious, she didn't give up and continued her desperate fight.

At the same time, Burt, who never left the room, was standing quietly in the corner and observing the whole situation. Well, who knows, maybe I'll get my revenge after all. He thought and a grim smile of satisfaction appeared on his face. Then he moved to the door and with one last look at Juliet leaning over Magnum's lifeless form, he exited the room without any sound.

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