wash away

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A girl was once given two options by a powerful deity; to live happily and never experience melancholy ever again, or to wash away the suffering and pain of everyone in the whole world. She pondered over it for months and months and when she had finally settled on her decision, a calm downpour of rain started to fall over each city, each country, each continent. It washed away each individual feeling of grief and loss and mourning and sadness and anger and depression. And the girl? The girl felt it all.

When the rain subsided, the girl was teetering along the thin line of life and death. She died, of course, and when her family found her two weeks after her death in her empty flat and brought her to the hospital, the doctors declared it as a heart attack.

The girl met the deity again in the afterlife. The deity was undoubtedly confused. Why would this foolish girl choose death over eternal happiness? Did she regret it now that she had passed away?

"I don't regret it." She told him. "But I did not succeed."

What did she mean by that? The deity was the most powerful one of all, was she doubting his powers?

"No, of course not. It's just – happiness was meant to be temporary and for me or you to wash away the entire world's agony is simply impossible! But for them to experience pure bliss and utter euphoria, even for a short while, is enough for me. There are some people who have never experienced genuine happiness in their whole lives! That saddens me to no end."

She turned to look at the deity and flashed him a sad smile. (Humans smile when they are happy., The deity thought. Why is this foolish human smiling if she was sad?)

"And to live without sadness is to – well – not live at all."



After the girl transcended into heaven, the deity thought long and hard about the words that she spoke, and they slowly engraved its way into the deity's mind. And for the millenias that followed, the deity began to understand what she meant by that.

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