Chapter Twenty-Two

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Breac smiled down at the Angel resting on his chest. He sloppily plaited small sections of her dark locks.His lass nuzzled his chest with soft sighs of contentment as he finished each plait.

"Ye are not what I expected"

Breac hands stilled against her head.

"What do ye mean lass?"

Elspet stirred in his arm;rolling over to face her highlander.

"I remember hearing so many stories of highlanders brute power and hostility"Elspet murmured tracing a design on Breac's scarred pectoral.

Breac brushed fingers against Elspets cheek. "We are not brutes...we love,we cherish and we protect what is ours. Those who speak of our brutality they only  saw that side of us because they deserved it..they were either unjust,or threatened something we hold dear. We are not brutes but we can be brutal."

Elspet nodded softly as she leaned into his gentle touch.

Breac gave her a mischievous grin before quickly flipping her onto her back; careful to not cause harm to her lash wounds.The highlander then bracketed both arms on either side of the delicate lass's head and hovered above.

Elspet laughed softly as her warrior looked down at her.

" old are ye?"

Elspet looked at him puzzled her delicate brows furrowing in curiousity.

"In two moons I will be twenty summers old"

Breac gazed at her his expression full of questions.

"Ye are quite old to be a unmarried lass....did ye never wish to be married?"Breac questioned softly.

Elspet barked out a shaky laugh "Of course I wished to be married..when my fifteen summer I felt trapped in my own lonely reality. I watched all the lasses and lads around me getting married and bearing bairns and starting their lives. As I walked around with that veil I was never regarded as an eligible maiden..I have no dowry and I have nothing to overcome that fact. So to answer your question yes I wish to be married I had wished every night..but eventually I understood that my wish was falling upon deaf ears.

Breac frowned as distaste marred his features.

" hasn't fallen to deaf ears"

Elspet's lilac eyes questioned the lad above her


"I...I wish to make ye my bride..donna worry about a dowry or bairns..Lass I want to give ye everything hell I would give ye all of Scotland if I could. Marry me and I can promise ye all the fine gowns,jewelry,tapestries,and the title of Lady Macdonnell but, most of all lass I will give ye myself, my protection,my love and my undying devotion. All ye have to do is say yes.."


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