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In the car

The little girl and her father were singing

Carla: I'll miss mamy too much

Pablo: And me Carla it's hard , but we'll talk to her everyday....


Pablo: and here we're

Carla : finally


The door rang , aurora went to open it

Aurora: ooooh, hey my cute partner

She hugged her

Carla: hey I missed u even though I saw u yd

Aurora: the same goes to me

Pablo: isn't there a hi for me

Aurora sarcastically: hi little pablito

Carla started laughing

She was cute

Carla laughs: little pablito!

Pablo jokingly: oh my , you break my heart

Carla hugged him

Carla: forgive me Papá , are you still sad

He picked her up and kissed her cheek

Pablo: no papa isn't sad anymore

PM: who i..... , oh hi pablo , hi little sweetheart

Pablo: hola mamá

Carla : hi , papa can you let me down

He let her , she ran towards her grandmother and hugged her

PM: you're so cuteee

Carla : thank u I love u so much

The brother and sister were watching them in a loving look

PM : me and aurora prepared for you both a room

Pablo : thank you mama I appreciate this

PM: no thanks in family Mi hijo

They sat Carla was silent and quiet the whole time

PM: Carla

All of them looked at her

PM: why are so quiet

Carla : me ! , I just miss mom alot

Pablo looked at her eyes she had a little bit sadness in her eyes

Pablo : come to me honey

He pointed  for her to come sit on his lap

Without hesitation she went

Pablo: hmm I miss her too which I can't for her to come , wanna talk to her now

Carla: yeah please

Pablo: let's do it then

In the other continent

The young supermodel was thinking about her little family about how she will adapt without them she was in her way to home with her privet driver 

Suddenly the phone rang she wasn't pay attention at all but when she saw the name she immediately opened the call

Angelina : omg hi , how are you

Pablo: I'm fine babe , where are you now

Angelina : on my way to home , how's Carla I miss her so much

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