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To remember

Pablo's pov

I was going to not answer the call but I got an idea


The new part

Pablo's pov

I thought that what if I went with her maybe I would make angelina angry that she could talk to me and maybe come back , anyways idc for this lucia i really hate her she's like a sticking gum

End pov

Here they are Pablo and Lucia

Lucia with pick me tone: awwwh hi Pablito

He didn't even look at her

Pablo : hi

Lucia : so what are doing in days alone

Pablo: who told you that

Lucia: that?

Pablo: who told u that I'm alone

Lucia : oh , s......

Pablo: girl I have a little girl and I have the prettiest girlfriend

She got jealous and angry

Lucia: do you mean that Angelina

He started He giggles hardly

( And while he was laughing somebody took a picture of that while that shows that he seemed to be happy with the girl , but in real life he wasn't)

Pablo: that Angelina , girl she is the goddess of beauty

Lucia: do you mean she's prettier than me

Pablo: you! You can't even be compared to her

After that she kept silent for not being embarrassed again

And they went to the restaurant and then kept walking She was trying to move closer to him to make angelina angry

The night ended

And we guessed that Pablo's idea wasn't good at all it made his sweetheart broken

Back to reality

The next day at 3:44 pm

Pablo was sad that Angelina wasn't answering his calls

His phone started buzzing , he hold quickly thinking it was her , but unfortunately it wasn't but it was an unknown number

Pablo: hola quién es?

( Hi who is this)

Unknown: bro fuck you

Pablo was angry about who is this who insulted him

Pablo angryly : who are you?

Unknown: oh no I think this not Pablo gavi I thi....

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