harassed - charlie curnow

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"Hey there sexy, nice ass, huh?"

Y/n sat in the car, thinking about her co-worker's words. They rang repeatedly through her mind. She felt disgusted, yet ashamed. Y/n knew Charlie would make her feel better. As soon as her car was parked she ran inside, finally being able to see Charlie.

"Hey, baby."

Charlie smiled at her face. Y/n didn't say anything, just fell into Charlie's arms. Tears began to slowly flow down her face, making Y/n even more ashamed.

"What's wrong? What happened? Who made you cry?"

Charlie stroked her hair as he sat down onto the couch, Y/n still in his arms. She sniffled, trying to hold back her tears.


Charlie sighed, knowing he was being lied too. He didn't like the feeling of Y/n having to lie to him.

"Nothing surely can't make you cry this much."

Y/n hugged him tighter, knowing she would have to tell what happened eventually.

"Some guy-"

She bit her lip, holding back her words. It made her disgusted to tell him.

"Some guy catcalled me..."

Charlie held back his anger, unable to process what she had told him. He continued to stroke her hair. Charlie wiped some of her tears away.

"Who? I'll kill him."

Y/n chuckled at his words, her spirits beginning to be lifted.

"I didn't know him, it's fine Charlie. I'm just a bit bummed."

Charlie was pleased to know how calm Y/n was now. Y/n reached up and began playing with Charlie's hair.

"I love you, handsome."

Charlie melted inside, she knew he loved being called that.

"I love you too, beautiful. Don't listen to anything bad someone calls you. They only call you things because they're sad little men."

Y/n smiled, her problem resolved, nuzzled up in Charlie's chest.

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