Chapter 15

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"Zip it, meth-head." Rose icily says with a tone so freezing, it's a miracle the manor wasn't thrown back into the Ice Age. Like Rose had predicted, the minute she seen them, all fucks were thrown out the window. "I just have one question, and one question only...What the FUCK were you thinking, Fester?!"

Rose's icy rage jolts the man back into the living world, making him look at her with wide eyes as she stares him down. Funny how the girl that's helplessly tied down is making him stand at attention.

"First off, even though I had my doubts, they accepted you as their family. Gomez accepted you as his brother even though there had been obvious proof that you weren't. They loved you like their own, so how the HELL could you betray them like that?!" Rose loudly asks the man, the fiery inferno mixing with the wintery blizzard inside her soul, and Fester goes to speak to her, but she barrels over him.

"Fuck! I don't even get to see my parents because they rejected me from day one. They raised me until I could take care of myself at 5 years old, and then they left. I haven't seen them since, and I have wanted nothing more than to have a family. So, forgive me for not understanding how you could just throw yours away!"

Fester stares down at his feet, shame flooding him because she's right. The Addams Family had welcomed him with open arms even though he was a blubbering idiot that had no clue as to what was happening around him, and instead of snapping at him or yelling at him like his mother would, they were patient with him. They allowed him to grow and explore as he started to relearn everything.

Fester didn't want his mother to find out, but the longer he stayed with the family, the more he seemed to remember things from his past. He believes that he really is Fester, because he seems to remember things that he couldn't before. Like the Mamushka Dance him and Gomez did at his farewell party. He'd never done it before, yet the second that they started the dance, it was like his body knew what to do before he did.

Like he'd done it before.

"Now that I've gotten calmed down a bit, I genuinely loved spending time with you, Uncle Fester. You're like the really cool uncle I never got to have, and I'll admit that it hurt me too when you did that. We all love you to death, Fester, so please-"

Greta motions to Tully, making him pull the wheel to torture table, which effectively cuts Rose off before her icy blue eyes pierce into Tully, making the man shrink away with feeling of his soul being stared into.

"Hey! Listen here, cracked-out Karen, only Wednesday gets to torture me in any way, and you're definitely not him! So, back away from the goddamn wheel!" Rose rages at Tully, making the man flinch back away from the wheel by several inches, and Greta rolls her eyes at how pathetic both men are.

"Enough! Where's the vault you wretched little girl?!" Greta snaps as she glares at the wintery annoyance on the table, and Rose furrows her brows as her mind races with questions.

Is that what they're after? The Addams Family Vault? Why the fuck would they think she knows anything about the vault??

"What the hell are you talking about meth lady? I only know one thing about the vault, which is that's that it's got hundreds of protections to keep intruders like you out. Other than that, I have nothing to offer. I don't even know where it's located." Rose explains, looking at Greta like she really is a deranged meth head.

"I'm not stupid like these idiots." Greta snaps, motioning to the boys as they look at her in offense. "I know that you're sleeping with the older Addams boy, so you must know where the vault is. It's the only reason someone would go near this family."

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