Chapter 11: Back to Where it All Began

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It was Friday afternoon, as Ash found himself clock watching at work, feeling like time was ticking backwards. He had been working at the Daycare Center for a good month now and was getting rather good at his new job. Ash had finished all his tasks for the week and all the Pokemon were happy. So, he waited patiently for the big hand to reach 12 and the little hand to reach 5. Sophie was watching too, not as eager to leave, but still keen to get home.

'Alright, you two can get off now. Well done on another great week's work. Enjoy your weekends,' said Professor Oak.

'Thanks, Professor. See you next week!' said Ash.

Ash rushed out of the center into a little jog, full of excitement and recalling the plan for the weekend, step by step in his head.

'Hey! Where are you off to in such a rush?' asked Sophie, trying to catch up with him.

Ash turned around and slowed down a little, but still jogged onwards.

'Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm going away to Kalos for the weekend!'

'Oh, why?'

'Well, it's my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow and she's originally from Kalos. So, I thought I'd take her there as a birthday surprise!'

'Oh, girlfriend?'

Ash had never mentioned a girlfriend before and Sophie almost looked a little disappointed at the mention of it. She had been subtly flirting around him for the past couple weeks and Ash hadn't even noticed once, but now it made a little more sense to Sophie. Ash and Serena were practically celebrities (albeit, not very famous ones), but hadn't gone public or anything, so nobody other than their closest friends, knew they were even together. They preferred to keep it all private away from the prying press.

'Yeah? Have I never mentioned her before?'

Sophie shook her head.

'Oh, well. I'm sure you would have heard of her. Serena Durand? Kanto Queen?'

'Oh. I might have heard of her, yeah...'

'Well, I've gotta get going. Got a plane to catch! See you next week, Sophie!'

Ash dashed off and wasted no time to get back home. When he arrived, Serena had already packed and was waiting for him. He had told her he was taking her somewhere for the weekend, but he hadn't said where exactly. That was a surprise. Ash rushed in and quickly kissed Serena and went straight to his room to collect his luggage. He had it all ready too and dragged it back out with him.

'Right! Are you ready, babe?'

'Yeah, I've been ready all day! But, I'd still like to have some idea where exactly we're going?'

'Ah, now! Come on, Rena! That would spoil it! And anyway, you'll find out when we get to the airport!'

Serena sighed.

'Okay. I'm trusting you, Ash!'

'Don't worry, Rena. You're gonna love it! Just make sure you've got your passport!'

'I've got it!'

Serena waved it about and put it in her bag.

'Okay! Well, let's go then. Gotta be there by quarter to six!'

Ash and Serena said goodbye to Delia and rushed off to the airport. The good thing was, it wasn't too far from Pallet and they managed to get there with time to spare. As they entered the boarding gate, Serena overheard the announcement of the destination of the plane and gasped.

'Kalos! We're going to Kalos?!'

Ash could barely contain his excitement at her finding out.

'Yep! Surprised? I mean, I would have preferred if I could have really surprised you when we got there... But, yeah! I thought you'd like it. I can tell you're missing home and your mum.'

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