◇ Introduction ◇

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● Introduction -

The characters are like shown in MADAM SIR only.
But still here is a character sketch of the characters.....

But still here is a character sketch of the characters

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S.H.O / MADAM SIR. [incharge and head of Police station].
She is sweet, kind, soft hearted but her anger is really dangerous. She loves her colleagues like her family. She doesn't treat anyone like her juniors in police Thana (police station). Her ideology is about emotions. She handles every case with emotions [jazbaat].

She doesn't have a father, she only has A mother and lives with her mother only. She has no friends except karishma singh [her junior]. She got gunshots on her body and had an accident on her birthday only [😭]. Karishma singh was present at that time in that situation.... [This part will be explained further in the story].

 [This part will be explained further in the story]

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Sub Inspector [S.I] of police station.
Very strict, angrybird, always ready to beat the criminals, gets angry easily. Very opposite of haseena mallik. Also daughter in law of pushpa singh. She is soft from inside but doesn't show anyone. Her nature is all about anger, but she is kind and has soft side for her loved ones. Her ideology is about 'Beating the criminals' , inshort 'GHUSSA, MUKKA AUR LAAT'. That's the solution of every case that comes in THANA.

Karishma singh lives with her husband and mother in law pushpa Singh. That's only thier family. She gives more importance to  madam sir [haseena mallik] than anyone else. Sometimes they both fight over thier ideologies, but they have unconditional love and friendship between them.

 Sometimes they both fight over thier ideologies, but they have unconditional love and friendship between them

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Head constable of police Thana.
Very goofy, caring, polite and kind lady. Mother in law of karishma singh, works with karishma singh only. She has a proud feeling on her beauty. She also can become dangerous after being angry. She is like a mother figure to all of the members of police station. Prays for no fights or no bad activities in Thana. Very funny and a bit emotional too.

Cares for everyone. She is also a counselor in police station. Helps haseena in the cases of the station. Squabbles with karishma singh a lot. Loves her daughter in law very much but also fights with her very much...

Other characters will be introduced in next part......

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