chapter 3

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"Does anyone know what started this?"

"Not a clue," Marvin admitted, "But honestly, all you need to know is that this place will eat you alive if you aren't careful."

"Yeah, we figured that one out," Liv muttered as she leaned against a table.

Leon had dressed himself in full R.P.D. gear, "Yeah, well I was supposed to start last week and I got a call to stay away. I wish I'd come here sooner."

"You're here now, Leon. That's all that matters," Marvin said as he flipped through the notebook they had lifted off the dead officer.

Liv finished strapping off the vest Marvin had kindly loaned her before tucking her gun into her new holster. Her rifle was still strapped over her back.

Liv fingered her dog tags for a moment before letting them drop down. Leon had been looking at her all the while. He seemed to do that often.

"Ok, Lieutenant, I'm ready," Leon said, tearing his gaze away from the girl by him.

"Hopefully you'll be able to find a way out of this station. That officer you met earlier--Elliot. He thought this secret passageway might do the trick," Marvin pointed out a drawing on one of the notebook pages.

The drawing showed a passageway behind the goddess statue in the front room. It went all the way under to the parking garage on the other side.

"3 medallions?" Liv read off, "Oh, come on. What kind of Indiana Jones shit is this?"

"This is good news. We can get you to a hospital," Leon practically lit up.

Marvin shook his head, "No. No, I am not the priority here."

"Lieutenant, i'm not just gonna leave you here-"

"I'm giving you an order, rookie! You save yourself and Liv first," Marvin snapped at him, "I'd come with you, but I'd just slow you down. Now, you'll need this."

Marvin pushed another gun in Leon's direction.

"I can't take-"

Liv rolled her eyes and grabbed the gun, practically shoving it into Leon's arms, "Just take it, Leon. You'll need it."

Leon sighed but grabbed the gun from her, giving her a look of defeat. He didn't like the thought of abandoning anyone here. He wasn't one to just give up like that.

"And don't make my mistake. If you see one of those things--uniform or not--you do not hesitate. You take it out or you run. You got it?" Marvin looked between the both of them.

Liv nodded, "Affirmative."

"Yes, sir."

Marvin groaned in pain as he took a seat, holding his bloody abdomen.

Liv turned to Leon, "We better start searching for whatever medallions Elliot wrote about. We should assume we're on a time limit. This place isn't a fortress. It won't hold up forever."

"Right," Leon agreed.

Liv gave Marvin one last look, one filled with sympathy and understanding. She knew he didn't have much time left. He was dying. And when they came back, it might not be him they came back to. Leon may not want to believe that or think about it, but she had to.

Leon led the way towards the gated off reception room, "This is not how I imagined my first day..."

"What? You're telling me you didn't want to come in to flesh-eating monsters and meet me?" Liv asked sarcastically.

Leon shook his head at her, "Not really. I guess meeting you was ok though."

Liv chuckled as she pressed the button to open the gate to the reception room, "Please, I'm a delight and you know it, sunshine. You're lucky you got to meet my ass."

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