chapter 11

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Liv could hear something just around the corner. Creaking and moving where the helicopter had crashed. And it certainly wasn't fire or smoke even if she could still smell the aftermath.

Liv slowed her steps as she raised her gun. Leon did the same, remaining quiet at her side. After sharing what they believed was an intimate moment between themselves, most of their talking had stopped. Only small words here and there filled the air. But now they remained silent.

Liv peaked around the corner, her eyes going wide when she saw a tall monster shoving the remaining wreckage of the helicopter right out the hole in the wall with one hand.

The creature was tall and completely gray from his skin to his clothes. He wore a trench coat and a fedora. And when he spotted the two staring at him, his face was devoid of any emotions.

"Jesus Christ," Leon said as the thing began to walk towards them.

Its steps were booming and seemed to shake the floors. Liv took a step back before Leon grabbed her arm and dragged her out to the roof.

Liv clumsily shot over her shoulder, only hitting him with 3 out of 5, and none close to the head. But the monster didn't miss a beat. He didn't falter or flinch, even as blood pooled from his wounds, washed down quicker by the pattering rain.

Somehow, they managed to round the thing and head back inside. But it still followed.

"What the hell is that thing?" Leon asked shakily.

"Hell if I know. We gotta shake him," Liv said, constantly checking back over her shoulder.

The booming footsteps became fainter as they burst into the waiting room and back out to the main hall. Liv hopped down the steps two at a time, nearly slipping as her wet shoes reached the bottom just a bit too quick.

Liv caught herself, finding her balance within seconds before looking up at the balcony. There was no sign of the gray man.

"Do you think that's the thing that killed Ben?" Leon wondered.

"Could've been. It's strong enough. It pushed that helicopter out with one fucking hand. We have to keep our distance from it."

"Where's the clock tower?"

"If I remember correctly it's past the library. Just past where you fell through the floorboards. God, this place is way too big," Liv complained as she opened the library doors and hurried Leon inside.

Leon climbed up the ladder onto the second floor with Liv just behind him. He paused when he reached the hole in the floor.

"Uh..." Leon trailed off.

Liv nudged him aside before taking a few steps back, "Watch and learn, sunshine."

She took a small running start before easily jumping over the hole and landing safely on the other side. She spun on her heel, hands on hips, and gave Leon a smug smirk.

Leon just blinked at her, "You're really something."

Liv did a dramatic bow, "Thank you. Now it's your turn. Don't worry. I'll catch you, sunshine."

Leon did as she had. Took a step back, ran forward, and then jumped. As Liv had promised, she caught him by the arm and pulled him further away from the edge even though he had made it just fine.

"See? I caught you," Liv winked.

"Aren't you just my lucky charm?" Leon joked.

Liv laughed, "Oh, I like that one. I would be more than happy to be your good luck charm, Leon."

Leon smiled before turning her around and gently pushing her in the direction of the door. They walked out, only to be hit with the light rain again.

Liv made her way down to the door that would put them in the clock tower and pushed it open. Everything seemed to be torn apart as it was under repair at the time.

They searched all around until they looked up to see what they needed balancing on a wooden beam. The only problem was that there was no way to get to it but from down there.

"How are we supposed to get that?"

Liv looked around, "Well, we can't afford to be too loud. That thing's gonna find us if we do. Hmm..."

Leon looked at her in confusion when she trailed off, "What?"

"Boost me up," Liv finally said, "I think I can get it."

"You sure?" Leon seemed skeptical.

Liv rolled her eyes, "Yes, I'm sure. I promise I won't crush you with my fatness. Now please boost me up."

"I-That's not what I was saying! I wasn't-" Leon was stuttering, trying to find some way to backtrack.

Liv gave him an amused grin, "God, you are so adorable, sunshine. Just boost me."

Leon sighed and hung his head, "Right."

Leon readied himself, crouching down so that Liv could push herself onto his shoulders. He stood up and Liv was surprised he was able to hold her up so easily. She wasn't fat at all, but muscle weighed a lot more.

Liv grinned as she was able to reach up and grab the box of electrical parts, "Got it. Down, boy."

Leon huffed and knelt back down, allowing Liv to get off of him, "That was fun."

"Yep. Though next time I get on top of you, I'd prefer it to be a different scenario," Liv said suggestively as she shoved the electrical part in her pocket.

Leon didn't know whether the room was getting too hot or if it was just him, "I...Um...Yes?"

Liv put her hand over her mouth as she burst out laughing, "Oh my God. Your face. You are seriously so cute, Leon."

"Ok," was all Leon could think to say.

He didn't know how else to respond. He wasn't good at taking compliments even if he knew Liv meant them. He wasn't even really that good at giving compliments.

Liv calmed down, "I'm glad I met you."

Now that had shocked him.

Leon's smile was soft as he looked at her, "I'm glad I met you too."

"Good. Now let's get back down to that cell. I'm ready to leave this shit hole."

"Me too."

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