Part one

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We will be ok as long as we are together. I stared at the motivational quotes on my wall. After we got back from taturus Chiron insisted more like forced us to do therapy with this cloud nymph named Shelly. And she said that we should put up motivational quotes were we would see them often. I wasn't going to do it but Annabeth made me. We put up a new one every day something I have sorta enjoyed.

The titan war ended a month ago today. I was with annabeth in my cabin. I was playing with her beautiful blond curls. Chiron had allowed us since Tartarus. We didn't like to talk about Tartarus. The only thing keeping us alive was each other.

The horn sounded, except this wasn't the breakfast horn. Monster attack. Me and Annabeth immediately jumped out of bed she said "why does this have to happen this early." "Definitely not that convenient," I said. We then ran out the door there was a hellhound, and by the hellhound a basket. I heard a faint cry.

"Is that a baby," Annabeth said while shocked we looked at each other and ran to the border

I felt my pocket and my pen, riptide. I uncapped the blade and charged "Annabeth you get the baby!" "That was my plan," she said. The I saw other campers coming towards the scene amoung those I saw Katie Gardner from the Demeter cabin. "KATIE do your plant power things and cover the basket over there," I screamed at her.

Then I saw as vines covered it. I grabbed my sword and jabbed at the hellhound but it dodged. Then in the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth grab the basket the baby was in and ran to Katie who was watching along with others they knew we could handle it. Then Annabeth looked at me with a sarcastic look on her face because I couldn't fight that well in the mornings because yeah it's a morning. She then pulled her New York Yankees cap out of literally no where and disappeared.

I jabbed at the monster but before I got it it disintegrated to dust the I saw Annabeth. Standing behind where it used to be. "You really could've made that shot seaweed brain," "and you got it wise girl," I took her hand went towards Katie who had the baby

The vines disappeared and the baby was crying it looked like a girl well I don't know for sure. She had green eyes and specks of dark hair on her baldish baby head. "Katie let me take her go get Chiron," Annabeth said. The baby continued to cry.

Then I toke her from annabeth and she stopped. I had always been good with baby's. "Your magical," Annabeth said "I know"

Then Chiron trotted over with Katie behind him. "So it is a baby," he said. "Yeah," I said.

I am still trying to process this a baby shows up with a hellhound, 1 month exactly after the titan war ended. It's pretty fishy if you ask me.

"She's a Demi god since she got through the borders but how she got here I have no idea," Chiron said he looked utterly shocked.

Then a younger camper came up to them, he was 6 and a child of Apollo. "ANNABETH YOU HAD A BABY," me and her both turned red like bright red. Annabeth knelt down to his level and said "no buddy this little one showed up at the border we don't know who her parents are," "awwwwwww," the boy said "well bye bye I have to go to archery" he smiled and ran to the archery range. 

Akwarddddd I muttered.

"Well camp is a safe place for ALL halfbloods so she has to stay," Chiron said "well yeah a baby can't fend for themselves out in the wild," I said sarcastically.

"Who will take care of her," Annabeth said. "Hmmm we have never had a baby at camp before but she could stay at the big house until she is claimed then her siblings can help," Chiron smiled

"Hey Chiron me and Annabeth could take care of her for the first few days so you can a room for at the big house ready," Chiron put a hand on my shoulder "thank you young hero," he said.

Then Chiron left

We should take her to the infirmary to get her checked out Annabeth said. "Good idea," I said "I'm full of good ideas." She said

I was still kinda shocked about the whole situation. Like a baby at camp, that seems impossible. The youngest camper they have ever had was 4 which was Harley son of Hephaestus.

Me and Percy walked with baby to the infirmary we DEFINITELY got some stares wait scratch that a lot of stares.

We walked along the green grass, then Lilly a daughter of Hermes stopped us she was like 13. "Why is there a baby, are baby's even allowed at camp because I think Chiron is to old to take care of a baby because he's like kinda immortal, Percy why doe-" Percy cut her off

"Ok Lilly control the adhd, and she showed up at the border," Lilly then said "sorry my rambling gets bad when I'm nervous but she kinda looks like you Percy." Now that Lilly said that the baby did kinda look like Percy could it? No it can't be.

"Bye Lilly you have a test on Latin," the demigods now were forced to take Latin to because the discovery of camp Jupiter aka Roman demigods. "Ugh" she sighed and walked away.

We walked up the steps to the infirmary.

Will then greeted us "is this the baby that was at the border," I nodded. I wonder if she had a name if not who would name her.

Will the led us to a bed in the infirmary. I then saw nico spinning like 90mph on one of those spinny doctor chairs. "You three look like a perfect family," Nico said still spinning. We all ignored that comment. "Uhm how do you not like die while spinning that fast," Percy said "it's called skill Jackson," Nico said.

Ever since he and will started to date something inside Nico sparked. He was now happy. And more like the boy we found in a boarding school who couldn't stop talking about mythomagic cards.

"Give her here" will said while gesturing with his hands. "But-" Percy started to say "Percy you can hold the baby later," I interrupted him. Will then took her and all hades broke loose.

The child was screaming and crying. Don't get me wrong I love kids but not this part

"Ok, back to Percy," will said he looked sad. He then set her in Percy's arms and she stopped. "I think she likes you," will said. " I don't think I have ever had a patient who doesn't like me," he frowned.

"Percy let me try again," he then handed the baby to will. This time the crying wasn't as bad.

"Well looks like she needs a diaper change," you do that I said.

After will did that he said "it's a girl."

"I should probably bathe her" he said. He was write she did have dirt on her from the basket and possibly the plants Katie used.

"Can I help, I know what to do from Estelle." Estelle was now 3 months old and Percy's pride and joy.

"Of course," will said happily. "Annabeth you want to help," "uhm sure" I responded I really do not know what to do

Will then started to fill up a sink. "Exactly why do we bathe her in a sink," "because she's small it will fit her better and stop her from drowning like in a bath." He said with a smile.

As soon as she touched the water a green trident glowed on her head. She giggled

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