Everything Goes Out The Window

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I drop the mirror
The glass shattering around me
The shards stabbing me in my heart
But they mean nothing
The reflection looking back at me is not me
That is not me
The scale needs to go next
So I throw it out the window
And when it finally weighs my faults as it hits the ground I will smile
Yes when it exits the window
When the shards etch it's judgment into my heart
When it slices open my organs for its message
When it tells me the tales of my misdeeds
When my bowels are removed
I will not need them , they are but extra weight anyway
Why would you need anything extra?
When you can have everything you've ever wanted
Of course I know this is my final chance,
Are you kidding me, I know if I fail this time I will have to throw everything out
And then when the shards seek my reflection again
When they wish to jab deeper,
There will be nothing,
For only the cool air whistling through the window will remain
Everything else?
I threw it out the window

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