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Outcasts is getting relaunched on October 10th!

This relaunch means new edits and a brand new cover!! The cover will be revealed on October 5th. 

I'm so excited for you all to get your hands on this new version. This story means so much to me.

Outcasts was written here on Wattpad by a fourteen-year-old Brianna during 2013 and 2014. During this time, so many stories like Outcasts were being written. It was a blast reading everyone's version of the bad boy/good girl trope. I figured I would jump on the train, wondering where this story would take me. The old title, The Bad Boy and the Nerd, makes me cringe now, but it was true to the story. Little did I know it would become my most successful story.

During its peak, before I foolishly deleted it because I doubted myself, it had reached over 50 million reads. People were sending me fan art of Riley and Aiden, others were making book trailers, and every day I got to read so many comments about how this story was their favorite. It was overwhelmingly sweet.

Here we are, ten years later. The book has been available in paperback and on Kindle Unlimited for the past six years. While it was originally published in 2017, the version out this time around is a much better reflection of the story it needed to be. One of self-growth, friendship, and a little rebellion. Rewriting it took me back to high school, when I would stay up into the early morning hours writing until my eyes couldn't take it anymore.

I'm not sure how many original fans of the story are left, but if you're one of them, thank you for being on this journey with me. If it weren't for the readers on Wattpad, I'm not sure I would've been brave enough to let this story see the light of day.

I'm still afraid of having my stories out in the wild. It's still surreal, even though we're six years in. Every day I remind myself to be grateful, and to cherish where this long journey has led me. I'm anxious to see where else it takes me.

As always, follow me on social media for updates and other writing adventures.

I love you guys!

Outcasts [PUBLISHED]Where stories live. Discover now