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When I arrived at my house, I was slightly surprised to see my mother's car in the driveway. I entered the house and immediately heard a noise from the kitchen. My mom was snacking on some Ritz crackers as I waltzed into the kitchen. She smiled.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?" She asked, holding the box of crackers out to me.

I shook my head, denying the crackers. "School is school." I shrugged. "What are you doing home early?" As a nurse, my mom wasn't around a whole lot.

"I decided to take the rest of today and tomorrow off from work. I've been exhausted lately and I thought a mini vacation from work was in store for me." She gave me a small smile. "Plus, we haven't had any mother-daughter time in a while."

I took this opportunity to really look at my mom. It seemed as if age had no effect on her. Her dark brown hair hung loose around her shoulders. Her eyes looked tired, but that was probably from work.

"Is there anything exciting going on at school?" She asked me.

"I wouldn't know. I'm not exactly involved."

"Riley, it's your last year of high school. You should make this year unforgettable."

"I'll try, I guess."

My mom pursed her lips, seeing how the subject wouldn't get any further. Then her eyes brightened. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. We've been invited to a wedding."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who's getting married?"

"Her name is Anna. She's a friend from work." She told me. "The wedding is in about a month."

I never sparked an interest in dressing up and attending occasions such as weddings. "Oh. Sounds fun." I said, not knowing what else to say. "I have to go finish some homework, so I'll be in my room." I informed her. I exited the kitchen and picked Sassy up off the ground. We entered my room and I set her down on the floor. I threw my backpack on the bed and got started on my homework.

Around five o'clock, I decided to take Sassy out for a walk. After I located Sassy's leash, I hooked it onto her collar and we walked down the stairs together. "Mom, I'm taking Sassy out for a walk!" I called out as I opened the front door.

"Okay! Be careful!" She called back to me.

As I walk out of the house, I breathe in the fresh air. As much as I love to stay in and read, I still need my dose of fresh air and walking Sassy was the perfect opportunity. I glanced around at the familiar houses surrounding me. I've lived in this neighborhood for most of my life and I still don't know half the people living on my street.

We approach a small park which is located in the middle of the whole neighborhood. It's nothing too extravagant, just a small play structure surrounded by a semi large area of grass. There are a couple of benches here and there. I sit down on one of them and let Sassy loose from the leash. I instantly check my phone for the time. As I looked up from the phone, I didn't see Sassy around. My heart beat quickened as I glanced around the area.

"Sassy?" I called out nervously. "Sassy, come on!" I stood up and walked around the play structure. I was starting to get more and more worried. Taking a deep breath, I told myself to calm down. But where could she have gone?

"Is this your dog?"

I whirled around and met a pair of blue eyes. Standing in front of me is Ryan Dixon with Sassy in his arms. I sigh in relief. "Yeah." He hands her over to me and I quickly clip on the leash. I set her down before looking at him again. "Thanks." I said, awkwardly.

Ryan gives me a small smile. "No problem."

"Dixon! Where the hell did you go?" A voice yelled out.

Aiden approached Ryan and I with confidence in his stride. What were these two doing here together? I caught Aiden's eye and a flash of recognition displayed on his face. "Led Zeppelin girl." He says to me.

Right, I never told him my name. "Hi." I awkwardly wave at him. I was still wary around him. Especially after what I had witnessed in the hallway earlier today.

"You know each other?" Ryan looked between me and Aiden.

Aiden smirked slightly. "We've run into each other before."

I wanted to comment on that, but I decided against it. "Well, this has been interesting. I need to go now." I tell them. Sassy walked up to Ryan and he bent down to pet her.

"What's her name?" He asks as he scratches Sassy behind the ears.

"Sassy." I tell him. He continues to pet her as Aiden and I watch him. I notice Aiden is frowning at Ryan.

Ryan looks up at me, ignoring Aiden. "I don't think I caught your name."

That's because I didn't tell you. "I'm Riley."

"Nice." Ryan smiles. "I'm Ryan."

Before I could make a fool of myself, I start walking backwards. "Um, I really have to go now."

Aiden looks at Ryan, then at me. "We'll see you around, Riley." He sends a playful smile to me, like we have some inside joke between us.

I nod and turn around, walking down the sidewalk in the direction of my house. I still couldn't believe I talked to two of the most well-known guys at Fairfield. There was something that told me this wouldn't be the last time I talked to Ryan and Aiden.

Edited as of 7/14/15

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