Rosie's boyfriend

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Okay, this isn't my idea, I saw this in a meme, but I thought it would be fun to write it into a short story. I hope you enjoy!

John's POV

I am reading the daily newspaper when I hear the front door opening. Rosie's home.

"Dad, I'm home!" I hear my daughter's voice from downstairs.

"Hi!" I greet her, not looking up from the newspaper.

"Where's Lock?" She asks as she steps inside.

"At the mourge." I say. "He's on a case again. I hope this time he'll leave his experiments there and won't bring them home." I know he will bring something back, but I can still hope.

"She's with Aunt Molly?" She asks, while going up to her bedroom.

"Obviously." I say. After Rosie came down and sat down in Sherlock's chair, she clears her throat. I look up from the papers, noticing her nervousness. I put down the newspaper on the table which is next to my chair and give her a motivating look.

"Dad... uh, I don't know how to say this... Please don't be mad!" She says and I pull my eyebrows up.

"Okay..." I murmur, not really convincingly.

"Well, the situation is the next..." She takes a deep breath. "I've got a boyfriend." She blurts out and I freeze. What does she mean about having a boyfriend? Boyfriend like boy friend, a mate, or boyfriend boyfriend?

"Oh, okay... I… suppose it's fine. Why would I be mad?" I ask gently, to which Rosie lets out a breath she was holding in. "You're sixteen. You're not a little girl anymore." I say and she smiles. "But I want to meet him, of course!" I say, raising my finger up.

"Of course! You'll like him, just so you see." She says happily and after she gives me a kiss on the cheeks, she hurries into her bedroom to write her homeworks - at least she said that. I take the papers back to my hands in a little shock after the new information and try to concentrate on the letters with all of my being.

After some hours, Sherlock comes home.

"John, we found the murderer! Lestrade and the other idiots have just gone to arrest him." He says without greeting, while putting a plastic bag into the fridge.

"Oi, what's that?" I ask, turning backwards, but he keeps making tea without giving me an answer.

"Tea?" He asks and I roll my eyes, but agree. "I see you've got a few words in your mind." He says, while waiting for the kettle to boil.

"Well, Rosie came home and..."


"She said... that she has a... A boyfriend." I say. Sherlock looks at me with a facial expression on his face.


"What and? Rosie has a boyfriend! A boyfriend!" I say in disbelief.

"And? You knew once it would come, I don't understand why you're so surprised." Sherlock says and pours out the water.

"I know, but... It wasn't much time ago, when we were wheeling her in her wheelchair, and now she says she has a boyfriend. It's terrible how fast the time runs!" I complain like my grandma, but Sherlock just hands me my tea.

"When will he come round to be threatened by you?" He asks.

"How…? Oh, nevermind. I don't know. Maybe at the weekend? It's nearly a whole week." I say, while sipping my tea. "Oh, and Mrs. Hudson's made dinner. It's in the oven." I say. "Could you please call Rosie for dinner?"

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