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Hello my loves <3 I just wanted to give a little note here before the book starts. Thank you so so much for picking my book to read. I find it very very heart breaking that their isn't really any newer Jason voorhees books out their that is really really good, or updates regularly. So I decided to give it ago!

I am mixing a lot of the Friday the 13th movies into this book. (Though he isn't dead.) And also - adding some of stuff from the game.

P.s he will be very very tall....

- I also do not own any of the characters from the movie.(Jason and Pamela.) Everything else will be from my own making.

I will be attempting to upload chapters every day for the month of October (A little challenge for myself.)

The book may have bad spelling in it. And other types of triggers that I can't name just yet, but know it will have lots of gore.

-alcohol Abuse
-drug Abuse
-abusive past
-bad Grammer/spelling.

Have fun my loves x

(Just a little notice, I am going to be editing this book when I'm finished writing it. Because of my challenge I've set myself to upload chapters for every day/night of October . They aren't at the 1000% perfection. But none the less I hope I still can provide good quality work.)


A/N - Future me speaking, I know a LOT of people won't enjoy how I have my Main character (y/n), the way she is - is the typical "I don't like drugs or drink, haven't been kissed etc." And that Has annoyed a few people, not to mention a recent comment (in an extremely round about Way.) That me Having My character talk down on people who do/ did drugs is disrespectful <3
unfortunately, for anyone who has the same mind set, it will not be changed <3

I live in a country where I see Homless people, on the side of the road because they spent any extra money they had, on getting their next Hit of Drugs, While My charecter In this book doesn't like people who does them (has ill thought off them -for good reason.) that doesn't mean I hate them / I just choose to stay away from them because, even though I do not have to explain my very personal reasons, they make me uncomfortable. And a huge way to work past my Own Problems, is to write about it <3

but still, put that aside, I have my own personal views yes, but more importantly My main character(s) does too - I try My best to write as the Charecter and keep my own personal beliefs out of my books / most of my Fanficions don't have Facts behind what's said, because how I see it 💕 the book is A fanfiction and not a blog! But more importantly When I do add detail in, that has fact Behind it, i do Extensive research/- it's not intended for anyone to follow/ do. 😅💕 but Unfortunately, I never realised I would HAVE to Say this on any of my books that are fanfiction/ original books. But if you are Not old enough to know better, you shouldn't be Reading Any of my fanfictions because they can get intense with how dark they get <3 so please use common knowledge when reading a book, and don't allow a Main characters Descision to Sway YOUR Personal life. But again, If your not Old enough to Know that, please click off. You have been warned xx

her camp crystal lake killer (Jason Voorhees x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now