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Jason's Hockey mask is the first thing I see. The early morning, lighting his Large figure up.

I Jerk back in the bed. Hands Clutching The sheets. And I gasp. I had thought he left the bedroom last night, the door Creaked last night. I had barley Registered it in my Hazy Half Asleep state. 

I Should have known he would have never left. 

"What are you doing here?"

He didn't respond. Not in movements or grunts, not even a piece of paper. he just stood their. his mask Shielding his eyes from my line of view. But even without directly seeing them. I know they stare at me. every chance he gets, His eyes are always watching my movements. 

I wondered if he had left. like he did back when I was in the Underground hut, where he would spent who knows how long hunting for food or even patrolling the grounds. and even if I didn't want to think about it. I had a feeling, he did kill a few people. teenagers in particular. they Always were menaces. breaking the rules. but when it came to camp crystal lake. It would lead them to their deaths. 

and pretty soon, their parents would be going through Police reports, search parties. and finally, after months of grieving. Leaving their children's memory to linger in the files of Missing persons reports.

It was enough to pull at my heart strings. I was a training to be a nurse, It was In my nature to want to help others. but here? I can only help myself. I realise a sigh. I wish I had stayed asleep. things made more sense when I was dreaming about pancakes and Syrup. 

but the only thing that Lingers is the same, lingering smell of Metallic. Iron and forest. and just a tang of sweat. I had gotten so used to it. it began to calm my Nerves. 

He wouldn't hurt me. I ran my Fingers down my face. He could easily rip my head off of my body, his Strength for a man his Build, his age. was inhumane. and yet, somehow. he Managed to do it. But he never once, used his hands - his strength against me. 

I throw the Blankets off of my Body, Whimpering. I hated how cold It was in here. My small secluded Cabin was warmer, held my body heat much better. I could thank how small it was. And when I rubbed my Hand up and down on my arm, A Yawn Escaped my Lips. 

I throw the blankets off me. Whimpering , when the cold air Hits my Skin. Goosebumps Kissing beneath my rising arm Hairs.

and when I pad my way outside the bedroom, I can almost feel Jason behind me. he carry's something everyone else I know. Lacks. 

and when I reach the bathroom, my body barley inside. and when I turn to close the door. Just as i reach for the door handle. Jason enters inside. his head, Slowly looking around. before his Hard Gaze Lands on me. 

"no." I said. "You are not. and I mean NOT staying in here while I go to the Toilet." I cross my arms over my chest. and when He still doesn't move. I clench my jaw and Huff. 

"Hasn't your mother taught you manners?" I sketch a brow. tapping my foot against the bathroom floor. Jason dips his head, before he huffs and leaves the room. I don't even need to look to know he is standing  right outside the door. 

i close the door, the click giving me satisfaction. And when I just get my self Pulled together and the toilet flushed. Jason rips the door opened. 

I close my eyes. maybe i'll be the one murdering someone today. 

"Jason." Scold. but he doesn't seem bothered at all. 

"I am still Busy in here you know." my jaw clicks and I turn the tap on. 


"I told you." I blinked. watching Jason as he Lines the log up, before brining his Machete down onto the wood. splitting it in half. "I don't need any fire logs, I'll be back in bed early tonight."

I made the dreaded mistake of Voicing how cold the main house was. 

I sit down on the steps, watching as he moves his arm muscles. and as the sun Somehow, get's brighter. His mask Glistens and his skin, beads with small dots of sweat. he turned from a small defencless little boy to a grown man, who people only wish. was the same little boy. 

i shift my feet. my eyes falling down to the ground. 

society was fucked. I knew that but it only got confirmed when I sat around that campfire and they used. what they thought was a little boy's suffering - his death. as entertainment. as I glance over at Jason. I see just how concentrated he was. 

he didn't get to experience the good in the world. everyone that ever came into this camp, always somehow did something to show just how corrupt they where. and from personal experience. one their behaviour  is left alone and not corrected as a child. it will never develop and become better. 

Jason kills to live. not live to kill. 

i pick up the pebbled stone. running it through my finger tips. Jason, more then likely never experienced a kind touch before. or a fun time. 

and then, a grin spreads on my lips. 

I did promise I would make his life very difficult. 

I flick the pebble, making it graze Jason's forearm. 

his head snaps over to me. his eyes narrowing and I stifle a laugh. and when he marches over to me. his body towers down my body. 

and then, just as I suck in a breath. his finger digs into my sides. my eyes Widen and I gasp in the crisp fresh air. "oh shit." I mumble. 

"Jason." I wheeze. "Stop." throw my head back. and when He doesn't, he only trails his hand up my Side. under my arms. I kick my Feet back, tears falling from the side of my eyes. 

no no this was not how I imagined things would go. 

his legs Spread wider. and I take my break, I wiggle through his weak hold. and run.

oh lord a masked man is going to tickle me to death. 

everything about Jason melts and becomes playful. and as he follows me down to the lake, passed the tree line. I know it's only a matter of time before he catches me again. and He tickles me to the point my Breath becomes lost and my cheeks Hurt from smiling. 


A/N it's a short chapter my loves. but I wanted to thank the Lovely @EliIsNotHome for being so supportive of me and everything I do. not only that but her content is amazing. check her out, especially her Jason book. (I'm so obsessed.) 

And thank you all for being really Patient, I had horrible writers block but I am determined to get these chapters out. and I will, I promise finish this book. I won't abandon it. 

her camp crystal lake killer (Jason Voorhees x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now