U: Considerations

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AN: Sorry for the late update. It's been a hectic week since my city flooded this weekend.


Jun Yibai carried the omega into the hotel room, water dripping off their clothes and leaving a trail behind them.

Li Suren shivered, hating that the AC had turned on upon their entering. He pressed up against the beta's chest, reveling in the faint warmth he felt in his arms.

Frowning, Jun Yibai kicked off his shoes and walked to the bathroom.

As expected, the bathroom was spacious. There was a large bath, a shower, and a wide countertop with a pair of sinks. He placed the omega between the sinks and watched him shiver on the chilled marble.

"Are we doing it here?" Li Suren asked, hooking his leg over the beta's hip before he could pull away. "I'm a bit tired from before but we can-"

"Strip." The beta snapped, his order gruff as he tugged at the edge of his jacket. "You're clothes are we-"

Jun Yibai couldn't finish, finding himself pulled close. He put a hand out, catching himself on the mirror. Yet his attention remained on the smiling omega beneath him.

"Behave yourself, Li Suren."

"After all that, you are still so formal?" He pouted. "You told me to strip down so what else can I think?"

Damn, he couldn't really argue that, could he?

Then again, this guy was a pervert too.

"You're shivering. I don't want you to get sick so you need to take a shower." He explained, pulling off the omega's shoes. Once tossed aside, Jun Yibai picked up the omega and carried him over to the stall.

Even with the water flowing over their fully clothed bodies, Li Suren clung to him tightly.

"You're not letting go?"

"You're making me shower alone? Why not join me?"

"You need to warm up more than me."

The omega opened his mouth to deny this but his traitorous body sneezed, staining the beta's shirt.

"And now I have to wash my shirt too." Jun Yibai sighed, sliding Li Suren's legs off his hips. "Toss your clothes out and I'll load them up together."

The embarrassed omega compiled, watching Jun Yibai strip his own clothes. Well-defined muscles glistened from the moisture in the air, flexing under the skin that Li Suren knew was firm and rugged. He'd been held in those arms, so he knew what he could do with that strength.

Lifting heavy sandbags or carrying a squirming omega~

Damn, he was getting hard again!

Despite his desire to press the matter, Li Suren relented. They had finally gone past the undefined friendship line so he was satisfied. For now.

That and despite his bravado, he knew that as an omega, it was easy to get sick prior to his heat. He should be good until next week but he couldn't afford to get sick since he had to attend his grandfather's birthday celebration.

That stingy old man would accept rejection if it was due to a heat cycle but would drag his sick ass to the party even if he had to bring a throw-up bucket with him.

He sighed, wishing he could share the shower with his Sweetie.

Seeing that he'd put on a robe, Li Suren pouted and stuck his head out of the shower stall.

"You can't try and run from this, Sweetie." He stated, his words calm and firm. "I will chase you."

Chen Guiren might be willing to distance himself but Li Suren absolutely refused. From the day he'd met this man, he refused to fall behind in their relationship.

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