M: Cinderella

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AN: This chapter came out a lot longer than anticipated. 


The night air was cool but what was colder still were the gazes of an Omega and Alpha as they looked each other over derisively.

It was the universal look of 'Who the fuck is this bitch?'

Suren was pissed off that his moment with Yibai had been interrupted when he was about to get a bit closer. He could have even gotten a kiss if not for this disheveled bastard!

Guiren was pissed at the sight of his favorite person being embraced by some weirdo in a dress. How dare some stranger do all the stuff he wasn't allowed to do?

Yibai just sighed, knowing things were going to get complicated now.

As expected, Guiren acted first, pulling Suren's arms from around Yibai, standing between them.

"Shouldn't you ask before getting so close to someone?" He snapped, glaring at the omega. "He doesn't like being touched so casually."

At this, Suren frowned. It was true that Yibai didn't like being touched but how did this barbarian know that?

Ever the picture of grace, Suren brushed his hair back, peeking past the alpha to address Yibai. "Sweetie, who is this thug?"

"Thug?!" He growled, sending a shiver through Suren. This went unnoticed as the alpha continued. "You have quite the brazen tongue for a traditionalist. Aren't you worried you might dishonor your family name by speaking out?"

"Speaking out?" Suren snapped back, taking offense to the young man's words. "How can that be? To defend my family's Sweetie against someone like you is the most honorable thing."

"Sweetie sweetie! Stop being so gross." He said with a disgusted grimace. "Master doesn't like being called by some intimate terms."

"Gross!? Who are you calling gross? Sweetie is sweetie! Moreover, who are you claiming to be your 'master'? Sweetie isn't into those kinds of things so don't sully him!"

"Sweetie is gross and demeaning." Guiren argued, his pride being pricked. "Master is respectable."

"Master is what deviants call their partners! Sweetie is affectionate and caring."

"Bullshit it is!"

"Don't use such vulgar terms."

"This coming from the one insinuating that I am some kind of masochist?"

"Aren't you? Daring to touch my sweetie's bottom line and drag him into your kink?"

"At least I'm not faking a relationship with him."

"Faking?! Sweetie and I are best friends!"

"I'm his best friend!"

"No, neither of you are my best friend!" Yibai cut in, finally getting tired of this back and forth. He didn't mind dealing with just one of them at a time but having them both around?

Argh, he could already feel the headache coming on.

While his face was covered with a mask, both youths could tell their favorite person was getting annoyed. They glared at each other, blaming the other for ruining his mood.



They spoke in unison but were silenced by a single raised hand. Like disciplined pets, they fell silent, not wanting the upset Yibai any further.

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