Promise i'll be there for you

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"Is she gonna be alright?" You ask to the doctor.
"Honestly it's a bit difficult, her changes of survival are slim. For the moment she is gonna be watched and cared 24/7. But for the moment, all you can guys do is hope and pray that she gets better."
"Thanks, I hope Lynette gets better."
You leave and go with Lyney and Ferminet.
"What did they say?" Lyney asks.
"She is a critical state. They don't know if she might make it." You say as your tone almost goes to whisper.
"This is all my fault, all because I always take every over the top." Lyney says while touching and gripping his hair in frustration.
They stay silent for a while until guards come and surround Lyney, Y/N and Ferminet.
"What's going on?" Ferminet says.
"Y/N and Ferminet. You two are being accused for the attempted of murder of Lynette." Says the officer.
"WHAT?!" Both Ferminet and Y/N say at the same time.
"How can WE be accused of attempted murder?!" You ask
"Many prop crews stated that you two were responsible for the props in backstage and also in making sure that the box was properly secured. Now, please accompany us to the fortress where you guys will stay for a while until we find a date for your trials."
They take you and Ferminet. Lyney stands in the middle of the room and can't process what's currently happening. Lynette in the hospital, you and Ferminet are accused for attempting murder. Everything was going too fast.
"Hey Lynette, wait up" Lyney says.
"Catch me if you can." Lynette says while running towards the hill.
Lynette sticks her tongue out making Lyney have the motivation to catch her. Lynette gets to the top of the hill and touches a tree.
"I win." Lynette says.
"Nu uh, you clearly went ahead. I say a rematch." Lyney says crossing his arms.
"How about this, who ever can get most fruit and eat the most, wins. Ok?"
"You got yourself a deal." Lyney says
They start to climb and get all the fruit they can get and start to eat it. They do that until the sun sets and they are full.
"I can't keep going." Lynette says
"That's means one thing.... I WIN" Lyney says and starts jumping around before the fruit takes effect and also making him not want to move. They stay silent for a while.
"Brother, can you promise me something?" Lynette says
"Yeah, anything." Lyney says
"Will you always be there to protect me?"
"Yes I would, I would uncover the secrets of Fontaine, just to find you. Why you ask that?" Lyney ask in a worried look and looking at Lynette.
"Because, I read in the newspaper that one kid killed his parents because they were planning on selling her sisters to a guy that had interest on little girls." Lynette says while looking at the ground.
"Don't worry. Your big brother Lyney will always be there for you." He smiles at Lynette and gives her a hug.
"I'll make sure that you are safe and sound under my watch."
Day of trial.
"Today we are gather here to put on trial on Miss Y/N and Mr Ferminet. They are accused of attempted murder during the events that happened on Lyney and Lynette's show. The victim is non other than Ms Lynette herself and is currently being treated in the hospital. No news has been told to court about her state." Neuvillette says "Now, let this trial begin."
The crowd cheers.
"Now, we have Lady Furina accused them for attempted murder. Please explain your reasoning."
"It's clearly simple. They tampered with the set up in order to kill Lynette and take the spotlight."
"WHAT?! How can you say that?!" You shout.
"It's clear. Miss Y/N. You always wanted to perform in the Opera. And since you never have the chance to perform, you had the idea to take the spotlight from Lynette."
"Yeah, we were only doing what we were supposed to do." Ferminet says.
Ferminet thinks for a moment before he has an idea.
"Your honor, can we see a piece of evidence?"
"Huh? What kind of evidence would you like to see Mr Ferminet?" Neuvillette asks.
"The rope. Please."
"Okay, Guards please bring the rope to Mr Ferminet."
They bring the rope and you and Ferminet examine it.
"Ferminet, look. The rope. It's broken ." You whisper.
"Yeah, the rope can't be broken. And it's made of the most powerful materials. Cutting it will take hours.
"Yeah, so that means someone tampered with the rope and only a certain piece would be weak. So that means that someone from the prop crew must have changed it." You said
"Yeah, and since they are from the crew, they knew how much the water tank weights. That makes the rope break off easily." Ferminet says
"Yeah, you're right." You say
They finish discussing and the guard leaves.
"Now, why would you want to see that piece of evidence specifically?" Neuvillette ask.
"Because we realized that it would be impossible for the rope to break." Ferminet says
"Why is that?"
"The rope is made from a strong material that cannot be broken easily. Even if you tried to cut it, it would take hours. And before the show started, other crew members also when to see if it was secured enough."
"Hmm, in that case, let's ask one of the crew members." Neuvillette says and signals the guards to bring one of them.
A young woman is brought into the trial floor.
"Now, you stated that you were one of the people that checked in the rope before performance. Is that correct?"
"Yes, that's correct." The girl says
"Would you mind explaining why?" Neuvillette says
"Of course. Well the reason I double checked was because I always have this anxiety that something bad could happen. So I checked the rope and nothing seems wrong."
"Did you say any attempts on cutting the rope?" Neuvillette asks
"No, No I did not. But when I was heading down, I saw a pocket watch that had a timer " The girl says
"Hmm. (That's suspicious.) Thank you." Neuvillette says.
They escort the girl back. And this point there were many things that needed to be uncovered.
"Sir Neuvillette?" You ask
Neuvillette looks at her.
"Yes, you need anything?"
"I would like to request some time for me and Ferminet to look at the evidence." You say
"Haha, looks like someone is afraid to loose this trail. Are you trying to find a way to prove your innocence even though your fate has already been decided?" Says Furina while smiling
"Don't get ahead of yourself. Me and Ferminet will prove that we are innocent and you will be humiliated in front of the people."
"Ah- are you trying to provoke THE Hydro Archon?!"
"ENOUGH, this trial will continue in a hour." Neuvillette says.
They take Ferminet and you to the room that the evidence is placed. The room is heave guarded. They see the pocket watch, the rope, and a pair of gloves that appear to have initials L.M. You pick up the pocket watch and also appears to have the initials G.M.
"It- It can't be?!" You say that in surprise
"What is it?" Ferminet says
"I know who did this." You say
Well, I spent most of my day doing the quest and all I got to say is. AHHHHH WHY, like why accuse my poor Lyney and Lynette like that. Honestly the Verdict was surprising for me. Anyways I did this in kind of a rush. I just hope it makes sense.
Song of the chapter: If we have each other

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