Starting School

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A couple days later, we were doing a few last minute preparations to be ready to leave the next day.

D: Now, Harry. Even though we will be living in a more public setting, the same rules will apply there as they have at home. Got it?

H: Oh, come on. Seriously?! We won't even be living in the same vicinity anymore.

Si: Be that as it may, Harry, we will all still have more authority over you. With Father being the Headmaster, he has equal authority over everyone. And with your brothers and I being your professors, we will have more authority over you than we have yet had.

H: Okay, fine. I'll follow the rules. Can I go finish packing, please?

D: Sure. Once you're done, we can get some dinner started and go teach Harry how to play Quidditch after. How does that sound?

SI,R,D,H: Sounds great! I'm in.

I went upstairs and finished packing. When I got back to the kitchen, the only thing left to do was to set the table and bring the food out. So, I helped out with that and we all sat down to eat and chat. After dinner, once everything was cleaned up, we all headed outside to play a game of Quidditch before it got dark. The rules were pretty simple and I got the hang of things pretty fast. I also got comfortable on the broom a bit faster than I thought I would. Anyways, for the game, Dad was the ref and the teams were as follows: me and Sirius vs. Severus and Remus. Sirius and I won, of course. The end score was 125-160. When we were all tired and bored, we went inside and decided to hit the hay early. We had a big day the next day and wanted to get as much sleep as we could.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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