Y/n pov.
I walked into the precinct exhausted, knowing that I might not be able to make it through the day. I sat down in my chair and immediately started working on the case I had stayed up till 1 am working on the previous night. With my coffee cup in hand I stared at the papers blankly. I hadn't been able to solve a case in 2 weeks. "I'm in a slump" I say to myself.
~Time skip~
I walk through the door immediately kicking off my shoes and dropping my bag close near. My right hand already unbuttoning my blouse while my left takes down my mangled hair.
"Whoa whoa whoa already stripping for me huh baby" I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend, jake.
"Oh shut it I'm not in the mood alright" I say huffing as I push past him into our shared bedroom changing into pajamas. I knew I shouldn't have been pissy with jake but I couldn't help it right now. I step into our bathroom leaning over the sink to wash my face. As I feel all the makeup, sweat, and grime from the day slide off my face I hear the door creek a bit but just decide to ignore it. As I pat my face dry with a clean towel and lift my body up from its bent position, I look into the mirror in front of me. Behind me I see my boyfriend and feel his arms wrap around me from behind as his face buries in my neck. He leaves light kisses all on my neck leaving my skin with goose bumps.
"You know you look even more beautiful without makeup on" he says to me as he lightly caresses my arm with his finger tips. A soft slight smile painting itself across my face.
"I'm sorry" I say. "For being a little pissy with you earlier, it's just I'm in a slump right now and I'm so so stressed I can't even think I'm barely getting sleep and I just don't know what to do anymore I'm stu-"
"Hey hey it's alright, I know you're stressed there's no reason to be sorry" he Interrupts. He turns me around to face him and he pulls my chin up with his index finger and kisses me lightly.
"How about we just snuggle in for the night, maybe watch a scary movie and just cuddle up" he suggests.
"I'd like that a lot" I say back kissing him quickly before running off and jumping on our king size bed. He always knows just what to say.