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bill carefully applied his eyeliner, trying not to smudge it too extensively along his eyelids, as the smooth pencil painted his soft pale skin a pitch black as dark as night. his bottom lip hung open slightly, parting his lips in a perfect, unnoticed pout as bill circled around the bottom of his eye, coloring in delicately, slowly achieving the wanted look of an exaggerated insomniac.

he wanted to look perfect for today. everything had to be perfect because today was special.

bill set the eyeliner pencil down on his dresser drawer and batted his eyes several times, watching them flutter like tiny birds’ wings in the mirror.

his hair was already spiked with help from his trusty gel, which now lay on the dresser, keeping his eye make-up company. he had re-touched his black waves more then usual and was afraid that if he kept fiddling, he’d shy away from the almost-perfect look he’d manage to conquer, though still seemingly insufficient.

smoothing down his bright yellow, skull t-shirt, he gave his black suspenders a sharp twang, smiling in satisfaction at his reflection.


butterflies seemed to burst from hidden cocoons inside his stomach, as bill thought about what the day would bring. he felt scared and excited all at once and he tried to hold in his feelings, not wanting to explode them all over his dresser, disguised as his morning breakfast.

he was so excited.

today, dereck and his gang had promised to beat him up.

he could still remember happily, the whole conversation of the day before.

he was walking down the school hallway, books in hand. why did the teachers have to give out so much homework? bill had wanted to do his nails and watch that new program on tv, maybe spend some time with his mother... but now it seemed all he would have time for is math and french.

bill rolled his eyes to himself just as he felt his foot catch onto something, flinging him to the floor, his hated schoolbooks tumbling from his arms and fanning around him noisily. he heard harsh laughter above his head but he hardly dared to glance up. he could feel his heart beating a fervent tattoo against his small chest and suddenly, his palms felt moist.

“what’s the matter billy? can’t even walk down a hallway without fallin’ down like a retard?”

more laughter accompanied this statement and bill finally forced his eyes to peer at his attackers.

a group of boys stood around him, in a tight circle, blocking the atmosphere beyond his vision. they all seemed to wear clothes way too big for them, swaggered a good deal and looked like they belonged in a sammy d music video as opposed to a school corridor. some students stopped to watch the action while others turned around altogether, heading in the opposite direction at a quick jog, just short of running.

anything to avoid what they knew was about to happen.

when dereck’s gang got a hold on bill kaulitz, the school freak, you either cheered them on, or quickly got out of the way before your teeth got smashed down your esophagus.

“w-what do you want?” bill deigned to ask, his teeth chattering in fright. and anticipation.

“what? now i need a reason to hang out with my ol’ pal? aw bill, that hurts me, right here.”

dereck mockingly patted his chest, indicating his heart, which was actually on the other side but this didn’t stop the rest of his cronies from guffawing at his taunts. one boy with shoulder length dreadlocks smirked and bill felt his heart beat faster, this time, completely devoid of fear.

have faith - bill & tom kWhere stories live. Discover now