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Amber Perenna

IndieCon was awesome. I need a relaxing day to recharge though. I should go to the park. I can spread out a towel, get something yummy from Artisan, and peruse the new books via my Core.

I crested the hill and parked my bike looking out over Bookhaven. I can see my house, Books & Brews, and Artisan. Which reminds me which sandwich do I want from Artisan? The Chicken Pesto or the Panini? I sit on the bench as I contemplate this watching the windmills lazily rotate on the faint breeze. I open my purse to reveal my Core.

"Display the current bestsellers for young adults." I told it.

It dutifully floated upwards and projected my options before me. A few piqued my interest. A paranormal romance, an adventure novel, and a coming-of-age story. "Thank you, that will be all." I told my Core.

It shut off its beam and floated back into my bag. I laid back and closed my eyes drinking in the beautiful weather.

I could hear the wind passing through the trees. Invisible hands playing with the leaves as if they were an instrument. They may as well be. Their song is just as soothing. After a half an hour I heard some grumbles from my stomach, I was torn from this natural utopia. I mount my bike and begin descending back to Bookhaven proper. I decided on Artisan for a Pesto Panini. I tied my bike up to the Bike Rack and entered. I get in line as the scent of fresh bread wafts by me.

"Hello, I will take a Pesto Panini, a mango black tea, and BBQ chips please."

"That will be fifteen Pyrl." I handed her the money and stood to the side so others could order.

The clacking of keyboards cut through the casual chatter all around me. Those books I was looking at a minute ago don't write themselves after all.

I wondered about the adventures the characters were having. The authors typed away crafting their destinies between sips of cold brew coffee and bites of flatbread. I wonder what they will have at The Coffeehouse this week. I thought. I opened the app. Original Music by Floringale. I should go tomorrow night. I do like Floringale's tunes. Her EP helped me relax the other night. What I really want to do is slow dance with a guy to Intimate with her. My arms around him as he holds me in a cocoon of tender love. When the last notes leave the speakers, our mouths will come together. The outer world will cease to be only us within song and word. Jack's face flashed through my head and a girlish smile crept across my face. We will have to see I thought.

After getting my food I found some swings to swing on. I put my earphones in, and Caroline sang as I swung. We settled into rhythmic harmony. She has cracked the code of her fellow ladies. Putting our thoughts and longings to music. She and the band will be at Greenstage soon. Rachel, Phoebe, and I should get tix. I especially loved the chorus of this song.

Can you find the answer?

Hidden behind these distant eyes?

Who will guide me home?

The moonlight or the fireflies?

I felt my phone vibrate and checked it. It was a message from my friend Rachel.

Don't forget about our faux fashion show tomorrow night.

I would never. You and Phoebe would give me grief about it for weeks.


I took a bite of the panini, which was quite tasty. I sipped tea. Refreshing and fruity.

I returned my phone to my bag and thought about the song I had been listening to. We have so many unspoken wants from our men. This song reminds us of them. Indie Con was a massive success. Seeing that girl cosplaying Katie. Bringing into reality a girl I held sacred and tried my utmost to portray in the game. To know her story touched someone deeply enough to embody her was beautiful.

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