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"Yeh Shu Hua?" The teacher's voice echoed throughout the classroom, as soon as the name was called. The students started gossiping and whispering about the goat in the room.


Shu hua smiled, she didn't care much about how other people looked at her. She just wanted to make sure they were happy, the goat girl would do anything for praise and approval.

"Bro why does she have horns?" A male student laughed

"Her eyes are so weird...." A female student pointed out in a whisper

Shu hua was a sheep human, she looked like a regular human. She just had sheep horns, sheep ears, a tail, and her rectangle pupils which allow her to see whats behind her without turninh her head! Pretty cool right! :D?

(I'm gonna bash your face into the wall and make you argue with it for hours if you dont say yes)

Could she turn into a cuteass lamb? Yeah she could, she was adorable in her sheep form. Though she still got called a freak for being a cutie patootie.

The class was separated into two, the right side near the window was for the hybrids like Shu Hua. And the other side near the door was for humans which was the left side of the class.

Countless whispers and side eyes from the humans were heard, all mainly at Shu Hua because she had weird eyes and wasn't a hybrid of a dog, a cat, or any normal pet. She was different, and humans hate difference or change. But that was in their nature so they can't help it.

"Dont worry Shu Hua, dont mind those weirdos." Shu Hua's seatmate whispered in her ear as he smiled at her. The teacher was too busy teaching in the front of the class facing the board to see him and Shu Hua talking.

Shu hua appreciated the dog hybrid cheering the sheep hybrid up

"Thanks Jungwon..."


AGE: 18
Friend level: 50%
STATUS: Best friend!

[A/N: Jungwon is Shu Hua's best friend so it immediately starts at 50, he isn't a yandere so you don't have to worry about him. Its really the main 5 you should be worried about~  i'll place the percentages and the profiles at the end of each chapter! A/N like these are like guides so if there's something new in the book an A/N like this will appear~]

The loud bell rang as the students left the classroom, Shu Hua sticks to Jungwon as they both head to the science classroom. A ball of paper was thrown at the sheep girl.

Actually lots of students started throwing paper balls at the poor hybrids, why? Because humans think differences are disgusting.

Eventually the student council took notice of the mistreatment of the poor hybrids, as they heard yells and the papers being thrown at the two.

The student council president quickly rushes to the two hybrid which stops the students from throwing the paper balls at the two hybrids. Shu hua smiles at the kind action...

"Are you okay?"

The icy cat-like eyes of the student council president makes contact with Shu Hua's gray sheep eyes.


AGE: 19
Status: Fellow schoolmate

[A/N: ohhh~ soojin! You unlocked the first of the five yanderes! There isn't much to say about her, but you dont have to worry about her. For now at least! You'll unlock the 2 yandere in chapter two~]

"A-ah, Miss president..." Shu Hua was about to thank Soojin who cuts her off with a worried look and question

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Soojin looks at Shu Hua intensely, the hybrid girl face goes a bit red with Soojin looking at her like that. Jungwon seems to notice and nudges her slightly, not like Soojin notices it.

As the three of them walk in the halls, everyone was watching them. Staring at them as if they were something different.

"Why is the president with those freaks..." students mutter to each other, whispering into each other's ear as Soojin walks with Jungwon and Shu Hua..

Shu hua shakes her head "No miss president... we are alright..." The sheep girl smiles at the human, Jungwon also smiles with her

"We are pretty much used to being mistreated like this, its common for us hybrids... so don't worry about us miss president !" Jungwon says and Shu Hua nods

Soojin looks at the two of them in worry and disbelief.

"Well it shouldn't be common. You guys are on the same level as us, you shouldn't be treated like a lower life form" Soojin says sternly, stopping near the science classroom.

The two hybrids look at each other worried...

"You dont know do you..." Jungwon says a bit sadly

Soojin seems clueless at what the hybrids are supposed to be.

"Well, us hybrids are made to be servants for humans... we designed to be submissive to humans and have little negative emotions and emotions that express anger..." Shu Hua explains to the council president.

Soojin looks at the two of them sadly and in shock, she sighs in disappointment.

"Humans are so selfish."

The president says before looking at shu hua sadly

"You can call me soojin, if the students treat you like this ever again. Please tell me"


A/N: ahhh author san hasn't written anything like this in so long! Updates might be a bit fast or slow~ it depends on my mood honestly. Anyways, tell me who we should meet next! Also i should mention this is a yandere book if you missed on of the A/Ns from earlier, so if you dont like blood this is a good time to click off~ sorry about that~ most of my works will be yandere so im sorry~

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