ON THE OTHER HAND: (A man entered into a darkened place by covering his face in black mask) .... : Baby, why are you refused to eat the food? Y/n- Don't ever dare to call me baby!!! ....: Your attitude... that's the thing I love a lot baby. Y/n- If my Jungkook knows all these things...I'm sure he won't let you alive. (That guy slapped Y/n) .... : don't ever dare to pronounce his name infront of me and I love you don't make me hurt you. Y/n- Leave me ...why are you doing this to me? ....: why...a good question...soon you will find the answer...I love you more than that Jungkook...I will take care of you...I'll be with you always... Let's get marry!!! Y/n- I won't love you...I only love Him..THE JEON JUNGKOOK. ....: baby...It's ok if you don't love me...My love is enough...I won't mind if you love me or not..you have spent the rest of your lifetime with me...ONLY ME. Y/n: If it's happen...I would rather die than Live with you.
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Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungsuk are there. Jungkook - It's been 5 days...since there is no information about her...Wait for me Baby...I'll come and save you... Taehyung and Yoongi came. Taehyung - Jungkook...Here, meet my best friend Yoongi hyung. Yoongi - Hey bro...I heard Y/n is missing... Don't worry...We will find her soon... Jungkook - Ok Hyung... Jungkook got a call from his secretary Mark. Mark: Hello Sir. JK- Yes.. Mark...What do you want now? Mark- Sir,you got a parcel. Jk- what? me? Mark- Yes sir... JK- Ok...bring it to my home. Mark- Ok sir. (Jk hang up the call). Taehyung - Is anything important? JK- Nothing...There was a delivery came in my name to office...so my secretary called and informed me...and I told him to bring it here. Taehyung - Ok. After sometime Mark came... Mark- Sir. (He handed over the parcel to Jk) Jk opened it and the next moment other people around him could see a clear change in his face. Taehyung - Are you ok? Jungkook - It's... it's...it's..Y/n shoe. Taehyung - What? Jungsuk - Are you sure Jk? Jungkook - Of course...I know..It's her Shoe...I'm sure...Who sent this Mark? Mark- Sir, our secretary came and gave this parcel to me...then I got to know this parcel came in your name...so I handed it to you. Jk- Ok Mark...
Taehyung - Is that person threatening us or doing all these for money? Jk at an extreme level of anger....He went outside and took a car...and drove towards Kai's Office.( Everybody was shouting his name but he didn't listen to anyone )
AT KAI's CABIN : Jk- You... Bitch. Jk angrily grabbed Kai's collar...Kai can clearly see the anger in Jungkook's eyes. Kai- Leave me Jungkook...who the hell allowed you to enter into my Cabin? Jk- No one can stop me ...Tell me where you hide My Girl? Kai-What? Jk- Don't act like you don't know anything...Where do you Hide Y/n...I won't like to repeat myself Kai... Kai- For god's sake...she is not with me...I'm not kidnap her .. Don't ever dare to raise your voice against me at my office. Jk loosened his grip from his collar...and he left from there. Kai- How do they all know our plan?! Secretary: I don't know sir. Kai- You all are useless fellows... Secretary: Sor..sorry sir. Kai- Get out from here right now!!! The secretary went from there. Kai- I'm sure...I will make you cry Mr.Jeon.