oscar x lando

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landos pov

oscar has always been a quiet kid.. ever since he joined f1 and became my teammate , the hate he has got since he's joined is so unreasonable .. he's been getting death threats, saying that he's a shit driver and shouldn't be on the grid. I'm guessing the pressure and stress from all the fans is also getting to him.. I remember hearing something back in august..

that's p19...p19 the radio crew spoke and my smile quickly faded and tears blurred my vision.. i really wanted to give people a good reputation of me after the hate I received from me replacing Daniel but again.. it didn't work.
i took of my helmet and stormed of.. i wanted to be alone.. i loved being alone.. even Logan made it to Q2.. if you think about it I'm actually last on the race because yuki was sick and couldn't participate and there was no reserve drivers. i got into the drivers room and jumped onto the couch.. the quali was still going on.. im so jealous of lando he's just such a good driver.. he can take McLaren everywhere even though it's a literal tractor. I was lost within my thoughts with tears staining my face and my checks going bright red/pink.
after what felt like years I was still sobbing and my body started feeling weak and my breathing became uneven and shaky.

P2 baby!! I screamed into the radio as all the McLaren fans were screaming and celebrating over our pole. I couldn't stop thinking about Oscar.. he looked really down when I saw him go out in Q1
i was worried about Oscar after all the hate he gets he looked really down today... hopefully it was one of them days.
I decided to go and talk to Zak but there were so many people doing interviews and everything. I saw Logan talking to Alex and George.. 'he really doesn't care about oscar?'. I finally approached Zak
"hey Zak you seen osc anywhere?"
"no.. I last saw him in the drivers room.. maybe check there?"
"okay thankyou."
"good job today" a big grin approached him face and he gave me a hug
"right go find oscar"

the qualifying finished 30 mins ago and no one's even came here , don't get me wrong I love being alone but at this point I really like to just a shoulder to cry on. maybe they don't like me? maybe I'm just here for people to laugh at. maybe I am worthless? I needed someone here before I do anything stupid. my breathing became uneven again and my sobs became louder than before, this time I really needed someone to help me.. my heart was pounding and I felt nauseous. I was shaking i couldn't feel my body. i sobbed.. i don't know how loud I was but someone heard so it must have been loud enough.

i finally found the drivers room.. i come here so often but I always managed to get lost. i walked up to the door and was about to open it until I heard loud sobs and heavy breathing
'osc you in there??'
was that Oscar? is he okay.

i managed to unlock the door.. i was greeted to a shaky Oscar who had tear stains down his rosey cheeks , i saw his breathing get uneasy
"l-lando" is all he could get out
"hey shhh oscar I'm here" i reassured him. i hated seeing people like this.. i remember when I had to comfort charles because of the race.. my heart broke.. but this is oscar the youngest on the grid.
i let Oscar fall into arms as i brushed my hands through his hair.
'it's okay..' i silently whispered
Oscar's sobs got quieter but his breathing didn't improve
"follow my breaths" i said.. breathing in and out with Oscar following my every move.
"i-I'm so sorry lando- i didn't mean it really.. i-I'm sorry I'm a shit teammate.. maybe the comments are true" he shrugged
he didn't even cry.. gosh.. i hate seeing Oscar like this.
"oscar YOU have nothing to apologise for.. you did everything right the car just wasn't it's best today and that's okay.. that happens but you need to move on.. your such a good teammate and just lovely in general.. please don't put yourself down" I repiled with a sad brown eyed Oscar looking at me and slowly but surley releasing a smile.
"thankyou lando"
"of course , now come on.. let's go get u some food"

most of these are gonna be about Oscar bc he's my favourite but please request me some people to do and what you wanna see..🫶🏼 also trigger warnings will be before the chapters

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