Marc-E's Day at work/Love at first sight

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*We cut to the next day as Marc-E's chest is beeping and her eyes open but she looks like she's still exhausted

However it's because her robot faction depends on the sunlight from Amphibia's star to power her*

Marc-E: *groaning*

*She heads to her work boots as she puts them on we cut to her on the roof of her trailer getting sunlight*

*Marc-E suddenly has her energy refilled as she heads back into her trailer as she prepares for a day of once again compacting trash*

Marc-E: *sighs*

*Grubby the Grubhog walks up to her and Marc-E inadvertently crushes him*

Marc-E: *Screams*...... Noo.......

*Grubby gets back up like it was nothing*

Grubby: *oinks*

Marc-E: *relieved sighs*

*Marc-E tells him to stay however like a human on earth with his dog the Grubhog follows her to work

As we cut to Marc-E once again compacting trash into cubes and placing them down as we see her find a pair of bras*

Marc-E: Hmmmm *she puts them on her face* whoa!

*She puts them in her box, alongside a heron tooth, a moss man's collar, a tadpole bucket, a recipe book and an iPod

She then finds a Paddle ball, she tries it out and puts it in the box then she finds a wedding ring carrier but she takes the carrier and ditches the ring

She then finds a fires extinguisher and she tosses it after she has a hard time using it

Eventually as the day slowly comes to an end Marc-E finds an abandoned science lab and she breaks into it and to her surprise

She finds a small plant inside of a terrarium growing due to artificial sunlight, she gently picks it up and puts it into a boot she found during her workday

We cut to Marc-E and Grubby as they head back to the trailer however as Marc-E's about to head inside she notices a red light on the ground*

Marc-E: Huh?

*She tries to grab the light but it seemingly dashes away from her, curious peaked she puts her box down as she walks over to it*

Marc-E: Come here little light *it moves* Whoa!

*The light moves again, it spins around Marc-E who tries to trick it but the light speeds off*

Marc-E: Ha!

*She chases after the red light as it zooms across the dirt unbeknownst to Marc-E this light is one of many red lights

As they move across the centuries old buildings other Grubhog's witness the event and they unlike Grubby scurry to hide

As the lights head towards the red light We cut to Marc-E at a flat plain still chasing it as it stops*

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