Ann-E Retrieve/The A.R.K/meeting Sash-A

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*We cut to the next morning as Marc-E prepares to head out for work, as she does so she looks back at Ann-E one more time seeing she's still not responding*

Marc-E: *sad sighs* 

*We cut to her once again at her job of working to compact trash, however she just doesn't have the motivation at all to do it as she only compacts one trash cub before just staring at it*

Grubby: *concerned oinks* 

Marc-E: no grubby, to tell you the truth....... I'm not okay, I just can never forgive myself for what happened to Ann-A, she didn't deserve to be shut off, she should've still been active 

I should've been the one deactivated not her...... 

*she grabs the lighter that Ann-E had and lights it up*

Marc-E: she was just as mesmerizing as this lighter and I took her away from activation and- *the lighter suddenly blows out* huh? 

*They soon see the ground rumbling as they see light in the clouded sky and this could only mean one thing, Ann-E's rocket has returned* 

Marc-E: *beyond horrifed* .....Noo....

*We see Marc-E immediately racing back to her trailer as Grubby holds onto the latch compartment where her work bag would go*

Grubby: *panicked oinks*

*As she rushes back to her home to see the rocket nearby releasing its metal hand-like grasper to grab Ann-e*

Marc-E: *panicked* ANN-A!!! 

*The claw grabs Ann-E and takes her back to the ship*

Marc-E: *horrified* ANN-A!!!!!!!!! 

*as she races to her house, she turns to head towards the street*

Marc-E: Noo! ANN-A!!!!! 

*Soon Ann-E is put into the ships compartment as Marc-E believes Ann-E has been kidnapped by the rocket ship*

Marc-E: NOO! 

*She rushes to the rocket ship and Grubby tries to follow and Marc-E stops him* 

Marc-E: *to Grubby* oh no you don't back back! 

*she ushers him to a box* 

Marc-E: *to Grubby* stay put! 

*Grubby does so as Marc-E races to the rocket to save her beloved friend, as we see Ann-E being loaded into a compartment chamber, with the glowing pinging green light showing us which is which 

As we cut to Marc-E on the rockets ladder*

Marc-E: *determined* Annnnnnnnn-A! *she sees the exhaust fumes* Whoa! 

*Soon the rocket takes off with Marc-E screaming and holding on for dear life as we cut back to Grubby as he sits there waiting for her*

Grubby: *oinks* 

*As the rocket leaves Amphibia's atmosphere Marc-E sees some space debris and braces for impact as the rocket passes through the satellites and the Core's moon defenses now powered off and lifeless 

As Marc-E removes one of these space bugs off her face she's in awe and wonder about outer space*

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