Chapter Six

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My head on my hands above the table, I'm staring at an apple. I feel queasy, uneasy, a little sick. Maybe it's just the memory of Lauren's smile.

Across from me is Alicia, cradled in Cade's comforting arms. And all I have is my green apple.

Things seem duller and muted after our visit to Mason and dear, sweet, poisonous Lauren. I'm running a lower than normal temperature today, though no one will able to tell; but it's like I'm running the opposite of a fever.

It's odd, I've never been sick, not since Dean saved my life. Okay, I've feigned sickness a few times to have my way with my parents, but it has never been more than an act.

Sebastian walks towards my table, carrying his signature bag. Before he passes, his eyes lock onto mine. He exits the cafeteria, but his message was well received.

Cade knows about Alicia and me. He has always been a supportive boyfriend. With him, Alicia's heart is safe. My heart though, after yesterday, was scavenged from vultures, sewn together Frankenstein-style, and replaced with the hope that it will function as normal. I can literally feel my heart pulsing half-heartedly. I guess I'm supposed to say No pun intended, right?

‘Don't bend, Claire,’ Alicia tells me. She knows Sebastian has summoned me like he is my alpha. Cade kisses Alicia on the middle of her head.

I pick the apple and follow after Sebastian. His scent guides me to the gym, which is unlocked and empty. I close the door after me.

‘You took your time,’ Sebastian grates.

‘I apologize if I don't know how a blackmailed person is supposed to act,’ I say innocently.

Sebastian rushes angrily at me with a pointed finger. ‘Don't joke with me, Claire!’ He explodes. His finger stabs the air mere inches from my face.

His volatility catches me by surprise. ‘Then why me, Sebastian? Why are you so persistent?’ I ask softly.

‘You humiliated me!’

I spread my hands in a placating gesture. ‘Apologies?’ I offer.

‘You still think this is a joke,’ Sebastian scoffs. He declines my apology, which is not incredible. He begins to walk backwards. I am supposed to follow.

The gym is dark, but that is no problem to me. I follow Sebastian. My feminine instincts, inherited from all the women before me, warn me that following him further into a deserted place, an athletic boy who is carnally interested in me, is dangerous.

I smile. I'd like to see Sebastian try to force me. He must know people will hear if I scream. Will he drug me? I sniff the air but there's nothing out of place.

As exciting as the paranoia is to my wolf side, it proves unnecessary.

‘I want a public apology for the public humiliation. You get down on your knees and beg. Before the entre school.’

I stop in my advance. Yeah, Sebastian knows I'm not going to do that. Especially not after begging Mason and Lauren on my knees. I fear if I even try, the wolf part of me will rebel. Besides, I have my polished pride, inherited from Olligrander with his senses as a bonus.

‘You won't do it?’ Sebastian growls. ‘Then I have a better offer for you.’

With his hand, he pulls on a string. A sheet descends from the ceiling. It is a blown up picture of Mason and me. This one is different; his hands are on my butt, which have moulded themselves in the red, leather miniskirt to his touch. That moment was the height of our passion that first kiss in the public library. A tongue is slightly visible, and Mason's half-lidded eyes are red. Naturally, it looks like a barely perceptible trick of the camera, difficult to miss. But to wolf eyes, it will be as clear as a full moon in a night sky.

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