Chapter Seven

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The Huntsman pays no attention to noises and people around him. It is clear that we are his only goal.

As an ordinary werewolf, how do you outrun a lycan like the Huntsman? It's quite simple really: you don't bother.

The back door swings open. Before our terrified faces can scream, Dean gives a dramatic sigh.
‘Hello, ladies.’

My head whips backwards. My mind runs a diagnostic to see if it is playing an illusion on itself. But it is Dean; in flesh, blood, baggy shorts and a tight, bulging T-shirt.

‘Dean!’ Alicia squeals. She practically tries to climb backseat to embrace him, attached seatbelt and all.

I am happy to see Dean too, it feels like eons ago since we last laughed without a dark cloud over the atmosphere; but this is giving the Huntsman what he wants. He wants Dean; we were bait; now, he has Dean.

I am expecting to see the Huntsman sprinting towards us faster than my eyes can follow when I turn back to the road; but he is just standing there. He is talking to someone.

No, he isn't talking to just anyone but Vanessa White.

I have a feeling the Huntsman doesn't know which way is North anymore. Disorientation and vertigo are two of Vanessa's simplest tricks.

Dean jabs a thumb backwards. ‘We might want to get out of here,’ he smiles in his cool, I-have-got-this-with-you kind of way. Even I want to climb over and hug him. I quell the urge to rip out the seatbelt of Alicia's precious car.

Dean doesn't have to say it twice. Alicia puts the car into reverse and floors the pedal. The Huntsman and Vanessa fade into the distance.

As an ordinary werewolf, how do you escape from a lycan? It's not that difficult. You do it in a car with all the windows rolled up to seal your scent. But cars have their own scents, you may say. Yeah. But most of it is just exhaust gas.

‘Dean, I'm so happy you're okay,’ I turn backwards.

‘And I'm so happy to see you,’ Alicia says.

Dean grunts to stop himself from breaking into a wide grin.

‘Take the next left,’ Vanessa says.

I blink. Alicia inhales sharply as she stares at the backseat through the rearview mirror. The steering wheel warps a little under the unchecked strength of her grip.

‘You look like you are having a stroke, Alicia,’ I hiss quietly at her shock.

‘Maybe I am!’ She shouts, taking the left turn. ‘So it's true.’

Vanessa rests her head against Dean's broad chest. ‘I'm just tinkering with your head, Alicia. I'm not here.’

She says that but it looks like she is here with us, lifelike and life-sized. Her voice is no different than it has always been.

‘What did you do the Huntsman?’ I question in curiosity.

Vanessa gives me a soft stare. I am a little unsettled by the fondness in her gaze. With one pretty, porcelain eye shut, the stare is very cute; a look you would give a partner you love. Or a daughter dear to your heart.


Vanessa's smile widens. She answers my question, ‘I didn't do anything to Rufus, also the Huntsman. The two of us go way back. I just told him Hello to buy you some time.

‘You look like a White, Claire.’ Vanessa passes a hand over her own face to indicate the paleness of mine. ‘Are you all right?’

I wonder if the paleness is why she was giving me the proud parent look. Alicia beats me to answering Vanessa's question.

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