Sorry my phone died x
Its okay lmao
Is that really your name ? It sounds like a name for some really classy rich person x
Well it is tbh. But didn't I sound like a James Bond kinda deal???? With the whole "Sirius. Sirius Black." Are you gonna ignore that shit?????
If you were going for Bond, you said it wrong. It would be "Black. Sirius Black." He says his surname first !! X
Shut it you, at least I tried xD
Anyway, what does Sirius mean ? Is it some Biblical figure or something ? I'm only good at modern history so I wouldn't know, I don't pay attention in RE x
What's RE? Is it like RS or something
Religious Education x
Oh right yeah I get you
And Sirius is a star, like Regulus and Antares and Rigel and BellatrixReally ? Thats so cool !! I wish I had a cool name x
What do you mean, ur called Wolf boy and thats pretty cool. Like almost as cool as me B)
Thats entirely the point. I'm named after a wolf boy and my second name means "of wolf" as in like a werewolf. My name is literally "Wolf Wolf" x
Hahahaha really?? Mine is "Black Dog" coz Sirius is the Dog star part of the constellation Canis Major which is the dog 0.0
Really ? Wow haha xWe should start a fanclub of weird names :)
Yeah ahaha that would be fun I guess x
Unless you're an axe murderer or something, you're still practically a stranger !! XCalm down Wolfy McWolfypants, I'm not going to murder anyone xD
Ah good good. Though don't call me that, I hate it :/ x
Okayyy Remy Rem Rem, what should I call you instead??
Um maybe my name and not any abbreviation of my name ? X
Right you are your majesty, what is your full and proper title???????
Remus John Lupin if you must know x
John isn't a wolf related name, you're out of the fanclub ;)
Oh no, however will I cope ? :0 x
You can't possibly cope without being in at least one club with Sirius Orion Black!! I am sex on legs, life itself! At my school, people bow down to me and worship the very ground I walk on, just because of my charming good looks and dashing charisma ;)
Sure you are. I'm a 14 year old boy however, so I think I can judge sex on legs myself thanks xD x
Oh boo hoo, you're missing out sugartits
I don't have tits, I'm a boy x
How old are you ? X15, but only just. Are we in the same year then? Thats cool :)
Yeah, it is :) x
Got to go for tea, byee xAnd you're calling me posh ;)
Bye posho x
Wrong number (Wolfstar)
Randomtexting au: one wrong number text can change everything Sirius = bold Remus = normal