Chapter 15. Don't worry

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Audrey's POV

TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of abuse

The drive back to my place was mostly silent, except for an incident with some woman and her dog who ran out on the road. I was taken by surprise when Scarlett grabbed my breasts to prevent me from slamming headfirst into the dashboard. There was no doubt that I was blushing like an idiot with the way my face heated up as if someone opened an oven in my face on full blast.

I guess we were both still recovering from that kiss which had set off a thousand fireworks in my mind. My stomach still contained the remnants of fluttering butterflies, and the adrenaline coursed through my veins at the speed of a bullet train. I yearned for Scarlett's searching hands to roam over my body once more. When she had lifted me up with ease and pressed me forcefully against the car door, I felt something that I've never felt before. I couldn't even understand what it was myself. It was... more than anything I've had with Julia.

Once we began nearing my apartment, the heat was sizzled quickly by the guilt that began to creep into my brain. Not because of my boyfriend, although I still felt a little bad for cheating on him.

No, I felt terrible because I was hiding the truth from Scarlett. She didn't deserve to unknowingly be with someone who was still in a relationship. I even made that whole speech about bisexual women fucking around and going back home to their boyfriends. And even though I wasn't faking it, I definitely was lying.

I was a fucking hypocrite.

I don't kiss or make out with just anyone. No, what I did today was a result of my emotions and feelings towards her. After all, I am a demisexual. And I simply couldn't continue lying to her.

I knew that the truth always comes out sooner or later, no matter how well you hide it. All it shows is that you were too scared and weak to stand up and face the consequences. Only cowards don't take risks.

Isn't it better if I tell her now instead of her finding out about it when it's too late? Or worse, she discovers my other life from someone else, and I'll ruin any chance I may have had with her?

I could do better. Be honest with Scarlett. Tell the truth, unlike what I did to Julia at the end. Sure, it was different, but I still did the thing I've been doing my entire life. Lie.

Lies, after lies, after lies. Maybe, maybe, if I had been honest with Julia, things could have been so much different. If I trusted her.

I was not going to repeat the same mistakes. Trust has been my issue forever. Even before Julia, although they definitely did escalate after her. And it's time to be brave, and change that.

I glanced at Scarlett for a brief moment. She was breathtakingly gorgeous; a warm smile lit up her flushed face. The trepidation of the upcoming blow terrified me. But it was the right thing to do. I lost Julia. I wasn't going to lose Scarlett, because I'm not sure if I would be able to recover again if I messed things up with her.

I was given a second chance at true love that people spend their whole lives searching for and so many never find the one who connects with them on such a level that it seems as if they are one person, unable to operate or live without their other half.

I'll be damned if I'll let this chance go.

So when I finally revealed to her that I had a boyfriend, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders as dread creeped in at the same time.

I had trouble deciphering her emotions. All I noticed was her face distorting with shock and... anger? Oh shit, I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. What the hell was I thinking? Of course she wouldn't want anything to do with a lia--

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