Chapter 21. Dogs and Phone Calls

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Scarlett's POV

What the fuck just happened? How much rage has she been holding inside for her to lose control like that? Okay, maybe I did pressure her... But I didn't expect her to lose herself in her anger to the point that I could barely stop her. She even managed to topple me backwards.

It honestly frightened me just a little. And I can only imagine what she must have felt when I was beating up her ex-boyfriend a couple of weeks ago.

However, I was more worried than scared. What she showed me was that she's been harboring a colossal amount of emotions, feelings, and fury that have been increasing every day. Like the amount of chemicals inside a tightly closed bottle. If you open that bottle, all those chemicals cause an explosion. And more often than not, if you don't release them in time, they'll explode on their own and destroy the container.

I knew that I had no right to pressure her into revealing all her past and what has happened in her life, because I was keeping a part of my past from her. Well, several parts.

But seeing her lose herself like that, to turn from the sweet and precious woman that I've known so far into a raging maniac, has me riddled with worry as I walked around the gym to make sure everything is in order and locked. I double-checked all the locks and equipment since I couldn't risk losing access to this gym after-hours, and being friends with the owner certainly doesn't give me a pass to be negligent.

Returning to where I left Audrey, I observed her staring off into the distance with a nervous expression on her face while biting her lip in that cute way I loved from the very first time I saw her do it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. I watched her jump a little as she turned her head to look at me with a startled look.

"I um... a lot better," Audrey softly replied. Almost like a whisper.

"Can you walk?" I adjusted my gym bag's shoulder strap around my neck.

"I... I think so," Audrey tightly smiled.

"I don't want you to walk."


I quickly walked up and lifted her from the chair in one swift movement, holding her in my arms as she let out a cute squeal of surprise.

"Omg! What are you doing?" Audrey asked, a startled look on her face.

"Carrying you. What does it look like I'm doing?" I grinned mischievously as I began to walk towards the exit.

"I can walk myself. I'm not a baby," Audrey huffed.

"You're my baby." I kissed her on the forehead and smiled with amusement as her face turned red.

"Aren't I too heavy?" She reached her hand towards my face and removed a sweat-covered strand of hair that clung to my cheek.

"You're never too heavy for me, baby girl," I smiled. "Now be quiet before I drop you for asking me all these questions."

Three Days Later

The evening sun shone through the gigantic oak trees, illuminating the gorgeous dancing green leaves as a light breeze blew across the park. I recognized the familiar chirpings of the Mourning Doves as I approached the dog area, where there were a multitude of dogs being walked by their happy owners. Several ducks quacked as they swam in the lake and ate the bread crumbs that several children were throwing at them.

With my hands in my cargo pockets, I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled the rich scent of nature. When I reopened them, I finally noticed Audrey, who was training a German Shepherd some distance away.

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