Untitled Part 1

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YOU'LLSTEALANODDA: Albert          

The Walking Mouth: Davey 

New York Cowboy: Jack 

Girl1: Sarah 

Girl2: Kathrine 

buymylastpaper?: Les 

Brooklyn's Here: Spot  

__________________________I FELT THE NEED FOR A CROSSOVER___ 

----Netflix 13 the musical---         

Outsider-is-13: Evan         

I'm-considered-chorus: Malcolm       

Iwannabeme: Kendra

LamestPlaceInTheWorld: Patrice 

HeyI'mOnCrutches!: Archie      

Opportunity: Lucy                   

Football: Brett 


Outsider-is-13 started the group chat 

THAT'SMYCIGAR: Why am I here? 

Outsider-is-13: To answer the question, I put in a couple of wrong numbers...            


The Walking Mouth: Hi   

buymylastpaper: ?? what's going on?  

Girl1: Les,I don't know                   

Outsider-is-13: Okay a lot of wrong numbers...                                                               

LamestPlaceInTheWorld: YA THINK??                           

Outsider-is-13: Sorry Patrice and to everyone else I know on here           

Opportunity: Wait, why am I here 

Outsider-is-13: Cause Kendra gave me your number. 

Opportunity: Oh come on!                                                             

New York Cowboy: Wait who is Kendra WHAT IS GOING ON?                                                          

Outsider-is-13: Oh boy. this is gonna be a long day....  My name is Evan Goldman. My nickname is outsider because... well... I moved to indiana from new york after my parents got divorced. I'm 13 years old. Who's Next? 

Opportunity: My Name is Lucy Dunn. I'm 12. My nickname is Opportunity because... oh forget that.                           

Iwannabeme: My name Is Kendra Duncan. I'm 14. I'm nicknamed this because my mom is so overprotective.               

I'm-Considered-Chorus: My name is Malcolm. I'm 13. I'm nicknamed this because SOMEONE *Cough* Evan, Considers me as chorus for some reason.                                             

LamestPlaceInTheWorld: Hello. My name is Patrice. I'm 13.  I'm called this because this is literally the lamest place in the world. that was before I met Evan.  

Outsider-is-13: Thanks Patrice 

Football: My name is brett. I'm 14. I love football 

HeyI'mOnCrutches!: Hi! I'm Archie! I'm 12. and my name is what it sounds like :)  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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