Shut up (ghost, smut, pt 2)

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(A/n): so basically im going to be writing every one shot from both y/n and ghosts (or whoevers) pov. You can skip past the pt.2's if you dgaf but yk. anyways, enjoy

(Its lowk same as part 1 just like a lil more detail, and from his pov)

Its December 20th and you and your team are having a Christmas party, it was mostly just drinking and playing around and just celebrating surviving for this long.

Ghost stood in the corner of the room, watching y/n through his mask. Watching her every move.

He noticed soap handing her a drink, and y/n accepting it. A tinge of jealousy pinged over ghost.

After soap walked away, y/n's eyes somehow made their eyes to yours. You held the eye contact, looking into y/n's eyes carefully from across the room. Your beautiful deep eyes. Ghost eventually broke the eye contact and started walking over to bar, it wasn't like ghost to be nervous but tonight he was, staring at you in that dress made him imagine things he shouldn't be imagining between him and his co worker.

Ghost swiftly made his way over the bar, and grabbing a small drink. Ghost looked back over to were y/n was standing before but you weren't there. Ghost sighed and walked over to soap. "Have you seen y/n?" Ghost asked soap. "Uhhhh i saw her walk over to the bathroom i thinkk" soap said in his drunken state. "Alright, thanks mate." Ghost said before disappearing into the crowd to go find you.

Before he knew it y/n fumbled into him, ghost grabbed your shoulder lightly to stabilize you. Ghost felt you slightly tense up under his touch.

"Oh- im sorry, didnt mean to bump into you" y/n said. Ghost didn't respond at first, he was taking in your outfit up close. How your dress hugged your curved in the most perfect way, how the lose parts of the dress loosely wrinkled around your waist. Ghosts eyes made his way from the bottom of your dress to your chest area.

Holy shit ghost thought to himself.

ghost swallowed a lump in his throat and then he finally said "no its ok, I should've watched were i was going" ghost said, still obviously distracted by your figure. Y/n turned around awkwardly and started to walk away.

"Wait y/n.." ghost said after you walked a few feet away. Y/n turned back around. "Yes ghost?"

Hearing y/n say your name, even if was just his alias, made him felt warm.

"You- uh you look really pretty tonight. That dress looks really good on you" he says fumbling on his words and walking closer to y/n, closing the distance so he could be heard over the crowd.

"O-oh thank you, you dont look to bad yourself ghost" y/n says, returning the compliment.
ghost responce was cut short by a drunken recruit bumping into you, spilling her drink all over her dress. The recruit started profusely apologizing. Ghost cant help but laugh a little bit. After the drunken recruit awkwardly walked away y/n looked up at ghost who was easily way taller than you.

"This isnt funny" y/n says with an annoyed tone, crossing her arms and giving him a face.

"Its a little funny, lets get you cleaned up" ghost says leading y/n to the bathroom by the wrist. Ghost grabs you by the waist and hoists you onto the sink. He hears a little surprised gasp come out of your mouth, and a small grin comes onto his face, concealed by his mask.

The drink had gotten all over her left shoulder, her chest area, and her left cheek. Y/n watched ghost grab some paper towels. Ghost walked back over to you, and he put his gloved hand around your right cheek, using his other hand to clean off the alcohol dripping from your cheek that wasn't occupied by ghosts hand.

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