Fall of Shinganshina (part 1)

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Mikasa:Eren Eren wake up

Eren wakes up*

Eren:huh where am I

Mikasa:don't be stupid your in shinganshina

Eren:(oh ya Ymir sent me back here I don't know if I should be happy or sad)

Eren has a tear on his face

Mikasa:Eren have you been crying

Eren holds his eye and feels the tear

Eren:no I have'nt but don't tell anyone
(Just like the good old days

*Eren sees some visions of the rumbling and gets into a sad mood

Eren:(why do I deserve to be happy)

Mikasa:Eren you seen sad now are you ok

Eren:ya (well it don matter I've been given a chance and I'm gonna take it)

Eren and Mikasa collect some wood  and start to head back to Eren's house

Eren:hay Mikasa don't tell anyone that I was cry


They meet Hanes and the other garison regemin soldiers and head bath home to Erens house

Carla:Eren Mikasa your back

Eren has a tear roll down his face
Carla:Eren honey are you crying

Eren:no I'm just happy
Carla:about what?
Eren:oh nothing

Eren:(what would mom think if she saw what I did in the future)

Eren runs to his mom and hugs her and then runs outside his mom is left there suprised so is Mikasa.Mikasa then goes outside to Eren

Mikasa:Eren are you ok
Eren:ya I'm fine
Eren:yes Mikasa
Mikasa:are you lieng
Eren:(sh*t what do I say) no ofcourse not Mikasa
Mikasa:ok let's go back inside do we can eat lunch

2 hours later at the  Erens house

It is very silent

Eren:(sigh 34 minutes to go)

Mikasa:Eren said he wants to be a scout

It gets even more silent

Carla:no Eren you can't you could die

Eren:I know but I'm gonna do it anyways

Carla:you can't and Iwon't let you

Eren:(it's not like you have a choice your gonna be dead in a half an hour anyway)

Eren:*sigh fine I won't be a scout
Carla:thank you

Grisha:well Eren I have to leave on a buisness trip

Carla:what about Eren
Grisha:well he said he would'nt be a scout so he won't

As Grisha passes past Eren he hears something from him

Eren:wow so nice dad,you did'nt give Zeke this much freedom

Grisha puases where he stands

Mikasa:who is Zeke

Grisha:oh,it's nothing just some child I worked with


Grisha:Eren you be nice and I'l let you know whats in the cellar

Eren:really ok
Eren says that with a fake smile  and Grisha slowly leave

Eren:well I'm gonna go hang out with Armin

Mikasa:can I come


Carla:stay safe you 2

Eren:ok bye


Eren runs to where Armin is and sees him getting bullied


Bully:sh*t its Mikasa run

The 3 bullies run away

Eren:Hey Armin are you ok

Armin:ya I'm fine

Eren:if you say so

Eren,Armin and Mikasa sit and talk for 15 minutes and then they here an earthquek sound and everyone stops what they are doing

Eren:( 2 minutes left)

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