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Blah blah blah everyone introduces them selves to Shadis like s1 e2 Sasha runs around for taking the potato and now it is dinner time

While Eren Armin and Mikasa were eating

Marco:hello guys my name is Marco

Armin:Im Armin

Mikasa:Im Mikasa

Marco:and who are you

Eren:Im Eren Yeager

Marco:Eren wait did you introduce yourself in a morning where are you from

Eren:shinganshina like Armin

Marco:that means you where there the day the walls fell


Everyone in the dinnerhall goes quite and surround Erens table

Connie:for real


Sasha:does ghat mean you saw the titans

Eren:ya lots of them

Everyone gasps

Thomas:how did they look like

Eren:they looked very human once you got close to them

Armin:close to them Eren you stood infront of a titan

Eren:ya I did

Marco:were you not scared

Eren:not at all it was'nt the first titan i'd seen

Riener:did you see that big one the collasal titan

Bertholt:I herd it steped over the wall

Eren:it was tall but not that tall and the armoured titan looked like a titan with armour on it

Krista:that sounds sad

Jean:what fo you mean

Krista:many people died in shinganshina

Eren:ya my mom was 1 of them and I stood there as I watched the titan devour her and yet I felt no fear my uncle tried to go fight the titan but he was to scared woth the smile it had on its face he took me and mikasa and ran

Connie:wow Eren thats sad I'm sorry

Eren:its fine that was 6 years ago

Marco:so Eren what do you want to fo after you leave the cuddets

Eren:I'm gonna join the scout regemin

Sasha:why the scouts

Jean:because he's a suisidal mainiac

Eren:I just don't feel free in the walls and its boring the furthest thing you can see is those walls and I want to go outsise them

Armin:Eren you said you had sees alot of titans right


Armin:how was it sll in shinganshina that day

Eren:my uncle Hannes owned ODM gear so he took me to the top of the walls and what I saw was horror hundreds of titans just roming around and boom a 24 hours later the the wslls break I see those exect same titans eating q00 of people I ran home my mom was stuck under the ruble of our broken house and like I said my uncle took me snd mikasa and ran

Marco:is Mikasa your sister

Eren:no my friend

Eren:Jean you should join the scout regemin to

Jean:why would I do that

Eren:you wsnt to be an MP right

Jean:ya what about it

Eren:MP's don't have ODM gear


Eren:sooner or later the knteriar wall will break to the titams and everyone init will die

Jean:we will see

Jean:anyways Eren who is Mikasa

Eren:oh that girl behind you

Jean turns his head and is aready in love with Mikasa

Jean:(so pretty)

Eren:hay Mika wait up


Eren:lets go outside

Mikasa:ok lets go

Eren amd Mikasa go outside

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