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I awoke in what looked like a dungeon cell. It was a small dank cell with no windows and was at most 6 foot by 6 foot. I went to sit up and move my legs over the side of the bed when I noticed the clanking of chains.

My feet had been chained to a post right past the end of the small twin bed that felt more like a cot. The door to my right was wooden with only a half circle shaped barred window at the top to let in a little light.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Felix walking in. He flipped a light switch, which I hadn't noticed in the dark, and he came over with a morbid smile and key. He lifted up one of my small feet to unlock the chain despite it being unnecessary because my left shin was still broken. He didn't say a word but he threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes so I guessed we were going somewhere.

He walked through the dungeon halls past dozens of doors of hissing people and grabbing hands, who I'm assuming are vampires. He walked for several minutes as I, naked and whimpering, tried to huddle closer on his shoulder to get away from the hands. We walked into a giant library study room, where he unceremoniously plopped me down in the center of the room. Aro snapped his book shut and said "Ah, he's finally awake is he." I shuddered and curled into a ball while trying to scoot back.

Felix simply stood behind me to stop my movements. Caius walked towards me in long strides and grabbed my arm his nails puncturing my skin making me gasp in pain. He dragged me to the stairs that lead to the slightly raised floor where the table was that all of them were just relaxing at. Aro turned to a third man who was lounging in a dominating yet spread out way. Aro says "Marcus would you care for a refreshment, we just acquired him yesterday. He's quite delectable is he not." Marcus smiled lightly and said "I would but I will not have him wearing nothing at least give him some trousers and a shirt." A secretary lady came in holding just that and dropped it on my head.

I quickly grabbed them before anyone could take them away as they all chuckled. I sat on my behind lifting my hurt leg into the pants first and slightly struggling to pull them up. I then grabbed the shirt, but an unknown person grabbed onto it as well before I could lift it over my head.

"Alec, what are you doing?" Asked a woman with red eyes and bright blonde hair pulled neatly back in a bun. "I think the pants are enough covering don't you agree sister?" says Alec.

"Jane if you don't get your brother in check you both will be removed." Aro chastised. I tried to pull the shirt to me again but this time I see a black smoke coming out of his fingers and suddenly I'm blinded. I let go and let out a small scream and say, "N-no, please don't take my eyes, i-i'll be good I promise." I stumble on all fours trying to climb the stairs to give this Marcus person my blood.

I stumble and almost fall back down the very step I climbed up to fulfill what they wanted and Aro finally said "Enough Alec let him fulfill his new duties." I suddenly could see again and stumble to Marcus. He grabbed my wrist and brought it to his face smelling the unblemished skin. He took what appears to be a letter opener and slowly sliced my skin not deep enough to hit my artery but enough to make a sizeable cut for blood to flow. He drank right from the spot and I soon felt weak slumping against his leg.

"Your right, he tastes absolutely divine. Shouldn't we play with him a little though?" Says Marcus. "We will, in due time. First we must get him used to servicing us, though he seems to have taken to it rather quickly." Replies Aro.

Jane languidly says as she lounges on a chair, "No he hasn't, currently he is simply scared for his life. After he realizes we don't plan to kill him for a while he'll become harder to manage until he breaks." She finishes with a sadistic smirk.

My head is still resting on one of Marcus' great thighs until he shakes me off and I fall limp to the ground. I sit up weakly and Aro grabs me by my hair making my scalp burn and I wince in pain. "You'll be my pet until I'm bored. You should revel in knowing that fact."

After that day I was subjected to humiliation and torture daily. He would host feeding parties because my blood was such a rare commodity. I would have dozens of cuts on my body at any one time, I was barely ever fed because most of the time I slept and what they did give me could have only been considered watered down oatmeal. They bathed me once a week, so most of the time I was covered in blood, sweat and tears. My existence became that of not a person or animal but just a thing to play and toy with.

The day they finally lost interest in me was the day they tied me up, bent over a table, and took a poker and shoved it up my virgin ass. No lube, no sweet words, just pain. My eyes grew dull and I barely even reacted when they cut or toyed with me after that. By that point I had so many scars on my body that you could barely see the unblemished skin it once was. I was left for weeks on end with no one to talk to since that day. Only the hope that one day they would finally kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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