Best friend's cousin - Darkest (2)

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A couple of months later

(Amelia POV)

As time went on, me and Darkest grew closer and closer, We were doing a lot of videos together and were working with Footasylum together.

Over these past few months, my feelings for him keep growing. We have the same vibe, and there is never a dull moment between us. Sometimes, i try to give little clues to hint that i like him, but after some time, i gave up because there was no ay he liked me back.

And plus, his cousin is my best friend so who knows if he's gonna accept it.

Even people in the comments of our videos say that we would look good together. But as much i want to be with him, there is no way that could happen.

(Darkest POV)

Bro, these last few months have been amazing. Me and Amelia have been spending a lot more time together and as we do, i have this feeling that i can't shape about her.

She's so sweet, smart and beautiful. But i have this bad feeling about it. As much as i do like her, she is still Chunkz's best friend and i am his cousin. Maybe it's for the best.

But i should ask Chunkz if it is a good idea to ask her out. Maybe he will give me an idea. I come out of my room and went into Chunkz's.

"Yo, Chunkz. i need your advice." i say.

"Yeah, what's up bro?" He asked.

Should i mention Amelia's name? Well, there's no time like the present.

"Well, i really like Amelia and i was think maybe taking her out out on a date. But, i wanted to see what you would say since you're her best friend and that."

"Nah, it's cool, bro. You man can date." he says.

Wait, that's it?

"Wait, for real? I can date her?"

"Yeah, wallahi, you can date her."

"Thanks, bro. Oh and don't tell about this, please."

"Ok, i won't." I gave him a "are you sure about that?" look "Ok, wallahi, i won't."

"Cool, thanks." I left his room and closed the door. On the outside, i was calm but on the inside i was celebrating. Bro, finally, i can date Amelia. But, now i had to ask her out on a date.

This is the part i was most worried about. What if she says no? What if she doesn't like me? But i build up the confidence and text her

Melzz ❤️

hey melz
can i ask u smth

                                                                         yh whats up

u wanna go to nando's
just the two of us

(Amelia POV)

i was chilling at home, watching tv but i could do was think about Darkest (as always) when i got a message. it was from him.


hey melz
can i ask u smth

yh whats up

i wanna go to nando's
just the two of us

Wait, is he asking me out? Well, duh. But, what would Chunkz say? You know what, i'll tell him later.

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