Friday Night Combat (Week 2, Part 1)

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Michael Cole: Welcome everyone to this Week's Episode of Friday Night Combat! Where we are live at Ann Arbor, Michigan! As we are now in Michigan Stadium with 105,600 fans in the stadium! In an almost sold out Arena! I'm Michael Cole as I'm joined with Taz, Pat McAfee, and Nigel McGuinness! How you guys doing tonight!

Taz: Well we are doing Fantastic as Tonight 4 of our match cards it Taken with the ICZW Cruiserweight Classic Matches

Nigel McGuinness: That is exciting but im more interested in the ICZW Women's Championship Tournament ton determine who would be our Women's Champion!

Pat McAfee: That is cool but Im also interested with the next Tag Teams for the Ladder Match as ICZW War Games!

Micheal Cole: Well get ready Boys its time! As we already start off with the Cruiserweight Classic with Darius Martin vs Mike Bailey!

As he said this the theme

Justin Roberts: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! And it is a First Round match in the ICZW Cruiserweight Classic! Introducing First! Representing Top Flight! From Minneapolis, Minnesota! Weighing in at 189 Ibs! "Air Wolf"! DARIUS! MARTIN!!

Darius Martin came out as he had a smile on his face as everyone was excited to see as he entered the ring ready as his opponent Came out

Justin Roberts: And his opponent! From Quebec, Canada! Weighing in at 174 Ibs! "Speedball"! MIKE! BAILEY!!

Mike came out as he bowed as he had a Black belt on as he was what people called a Master of Taekwondo as he responded the high fives with his kicks as he smiled bowing to everyone as showing respect as he entered the ring ready for his match as it begins

(7 Minutes later)

It was an entertaining Match as Darius was at the corner as he hits the Tornado Kick as Darius was leaning down as he tries to catch his breath until Mike Bailey went to the middle rope and as he jump and did a flip he dig his knees into Darius back as he hits the finisher Ultima Weapon as he pinned Darius for the 1..2..3 winning

Justin Roberts: Your Winner! And moving on to the Second round! MIKE! BAILEY!!

Mike stood up as he looked down at Darius Helping him up as they shook hands as Darius held Mike hands up showing he is the victor as the next match started immediately

Justin Roberts: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! And it is a First Round match in the ICZW Cruiserweight Classic! Introducing First! From Seattle, Washington! Weighing in at 175 Ibs! DARBY! ALLIN!

Darby rolled on his skateboard down to the ring as he was ready to ride or die against his opponent as his opponent came out

Justin Roberts: And his opponent! From Mexico City, Mexico! Weighing in at 180 Ibs! He is the NWA World Historic Middleweight Champion! MÍSTICO!!

Mistico came out with his title around his waist as he smirked under his luchador mask as he was ready to fight as the match begins

(10 Minutes later)

This was a Suicidal match as they both were basically killing each other just to go to the second round as Darby Body slams Místico down as Darby slowly climbed the top rope as he fell backwards hitting the Coffin Drop as he pinned Místico for the 1..2..3 winning the match

Justin Roberts: Your Winner! And moving on to the Second round! DARBY! ALLIN!!

Darby slowly stood up as he groaned in pain as he was bleeding but even so Místico gave respect to Darby leaving the ring for Darby to bask in his glory as after a while the next match is about to start

Justin Roberts: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! And it is a First Round match in the ICZW Cruiserweight Classic! Introducing First! From Long Island, New York! Weighing in at 187 Ibs! "Kamikaze"! NINJA! MACK!

Ninja came out as he was jogging a little as he was ready to win this whole thing as his opponent came out

Justin Roberts: And his opponent! From Gifu, Japan! Weighing in at 200 Ibs! SHUN! SKYWALKER!

Shun came out as he was ready as he'll ever be as he entered the ring staring back at Ninja as the match begins

(8 Minutes later)

After an Intense match Shun lifted Ninja up and slammed him down with one of his finishers Ashla as he stood up going to the corner before hitting the Skywalker Moonsault as he pinned Ninja for the 1..2..3 winning the match

Justin Roberts: Your Winner! And moving on to the Second round! SHUN! SKYWALKER!!

Shun stood up as he started laughing like a Maniac as he left Ninja Mack to sulk in his loss as he walked off as the next match was about to start immediately

Justin Roberts: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! And it is the Final First Round match in the ICZW Cruiserweight Classic! Introducing First! Representing The Rascalz! From Louisville, Kentucky! Weighing in at 172 Ibs! He is the BWM Champion! RUGGEDpro Heritage Champion! And one-half of the VIP Tag Team Champion! "Hot Fiyah"! MYRON! REED!

Myron came out with gold around him as he had a smirk on his face as he walked down to the ring showing all his gold before his opponent came out

Justin Roberts: And his opponent! Representing The East West Express! From Seattle, Washington! Weighing in at 169 Ibs! NICK! WAYNE!!

Nick Wayne came out as he was hyping himself up as he was by far the Youngest Participant in the Tournament at 18 years old as he was praying he would win to make his Family proud as he entered the ring as the match began

(10 Minutes later)

After ten long minutes Myron caught Nick Wayne after an attempted Hurricanrana as he slams him down with the Capp'n Crunch as Myron gets outside the ring on the Apron as he jumped to the top rope as he lands a No Cap Splash as he pinned Nick for the 1..2..3 winning the match

Justin Roberts: Your Winner! And moving on to the Second round! MYRON! REED!!

Myron stood up as he smirked grabbing his gold before talking shit to Wayne saying he is a failure before walking out the ring as the Camera cuts to Black as it was break

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