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Author's Note:

Hello, and welcome to my new book! As I have stated before, updates will be posted whenever I get the chance to write in my freetime outside of school work. Please understand, and I will greatly appreciate it. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy.


Emmeline "Emma" Truheart is the biological daughter of David Trueheart and his high school sweetheart, Vivian. The day she was born was the happiest day for her parents. She was their pride and joy, and doted on her. From what she remembers, her childhood was pretty nice, but it wouldn't stay like that forever. When she was 7 years old, her parents died in a mysterious car accident, which left her in the care of her parental uncle, Tommy Oliver.

Tommy was still a teenager in high school at the time, but nonetheless, Tommy took the little girl in and raised her as his own. The two managed to make through as Tommy finished high school and college. The little girl took the young man's last name, seeing as they were now the only members of their family still alive.

With Emma now in his care, Tommy had no choice in telling Emma what kind of life that she would be living. It didn't make sense to Emma at first, considering she was only seven at the time. Her confusion went away as she watched her uncle morph into the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. From that day forth, Emma Oliver would be apart of the Power Ranger world whether she was a Ranger or not.

Zordon saw great potential in her as future Ranger, which made the girl want to be a Ranger even more. The young girl was devastated when the entity sacrificed itself to save the universe. But being the daughter/niece of a Power Ranger did have its perks, including Alpha's first and only interaction with a human child, which scared the robot a lot. To the other Rangers, she was the next generation, so it felt right to teach her the ways of being Power Ranger.

Emma would be the daughter that Jason Lee Scott, Rocky DeSantos and Adam Park always wanted. They would train her in the way of martial arts when they weren't out being Power Rangers and saving Angel Grove from the newest threat. Kimberly Hart would teach the girl how to be a gymnast, which led to her competing in tournaments. And as Rangers came and went, Emma's new found family grew, and every new Ranger saw the girl as the next generation.

By the time she was 11 years old, Sensei Omino of the Thunder Ninja Academy had reached out to Tommy, telling the man that his adoptive daughter had the potential of a thunder ninja. With Sensei Omino not knowing of the older Oliver's Ranger past, Tommy thought it would be perfect for Emma to attend the school. So Tommy sent Emma to the Thunder Ninja Academy to study under the tutelage of Sensei Omino. And Emma thrived there, where she accessed her abilities in wielding thunder and lightning.

But by the time she was 12, Emma began to exhibit abilities that weren't within the guise of Thunder Ninja. What do you mean by that exactly? Let's just say that it came as a shock. Well, whenever she touched something, it would light on fire. This alarmed not only Emma, but Tommy as well because his adopted daughter was now a human lighter.

Sensei Omino said that it was very rare for a ninja to wield more than one element, but it made some sense Emma and Tommy. They made it an inside joke that this was a sign for Emma being a Ranger one day. But apparently, once every 200 years, a ninja would be chosen by the scrolls of fate to be gifted with the ability of wielding more than one element.

Emma had only been at the Thunder Academy for seven months, and was able to master her abilities as a Thunder Ninja faster than any student to ever attend the academy. So, Emma relocated to the Wind Ninja Academy in Blue Bay Harbor, where she would be under the tutelage of Sensei Kanoi Watanabe and his son Cameron. The boy and fire thunder ninja became great friends, and understood one another.

Tommy and many of his former Ranger teammates would visit her constantly. Jason, Rocky and Adam would always kept count who'd see her the most so that they could be deemed the "favorite uncle." But Emma would always that the three would be her favorite uncle.

A few years later, Cam and Emma met three new students: Tori Hanson, Shane Clarke and Dustin Brooks, and the five got along to some degree, more on behalf of Tori and Emma hitting it off instantly. Plus, Tori was very nice to Cam whenever they interacted, which led to them becoming good friends. Tori would be classed as a water ninja, which Emma thought was funny. Dustin would be classed as an earth ninja, and Shane would be classed as an air ninja.

Together, the four ninjas became inseparable, hanging out or supporting one another at their respective sporting events. By the time she was 16, she got a job at Storm Chargers with Dustin, which allowed the two grow close. The earth ninja would teach the girl how to fix a motorbike while the girl taught him how to some gymnastics moves. The two friends became each other's number one fans at their sporting events, always cheering the other on.

With her newfound mechanical knowledge, Emma was promoted to head mechanic, after Dustin recommended mened it to Kelly, their boss and owner of Storm Chargers. Since then, they became inseparable like brother and sister, but some people thought they were dating.

Dustin and Emma loved messing with people when it came the thought of them dating. They'd show some sort of affection to one another, mainly in Emma's instance because guys would constantly hit on her when she worked a shift at Storm Chargers.

Whenever she was asked about her life before Blue Bay Harbor, Emma would stick to a script. She was adopted by her uncle after her parents died in a car crash. The girl was from Angel Grove, but always moved around since she was adopted.

Emma wanted to keep her family's Ranger connections a secret, even if she became a Ranger herself. It's something that she always thought about. After all, she was raised by the first iteration of Rangers. They taught her to be selfless, be kind and empathetic, and always help out others.

Emma always knew that one way or another, her time of being a Power Ranger drew closer as she got older. The power would choose you; you didn't choose the power, unless the time came for the power to be passed onto someone who also good in nature and pure of heart. It was something that she observed through the second team of Turbo Rangers.

She didn't know what color she would get. At first, Emma thought she would get green or white as her color, since her father was the green/white ranger. Red was a possibility, but it didn't matter to her as much as it wracked her father and uncles' brains. Until then she could only hope for her fate to become a reality. Little did she know how close that reality would actually come true.

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