Chapter 1: Mr. Johns case

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It was 1988 December 24th 8:09pm on 29 whirly road.

On this late Christmas eve police cars could be seen everywhere there has seemed to be a murder. Mr. John a wealthy businessperson has been killed under his own Christmas tree strangled by the colorful blinking Christmas lights and right next to him was a star ornament that would normally go on top of the tree which laid next to him so clean it was like brand new. Soon the police called detective Ann who was hired to find who killed Mr. Jhon. Soon after a bit talking detective Ann found out that there was a Christmas party on that night before the body was found. Detective Ann was able to narrow it down to six suspects.

There was Mr. and Ms. Smith who said "they were drinking wine while being near the fireplace getting served drinks by the Butler who was with them the whole time then went to check on Mr. John then they heard the butler scream with terror then heard him call the police"

The Butler said, "I was serving drinks to Mr. and Mrs. Smith until I went to check on Mr. John to see how he was going because he was taking a very long time that's when I saw him on the floor and screamed and called the police."

Ms. John who had a cut on her left hand in and wore gold wristwatch on her right said "I was cutting food to give to the guests in the kitchen, but I cut my hand and had to wash it, so I left the kitchen to wash it in the bathroom"

Finally, the cook said "I was cooking alone when I had to get potatoes for the roast, I was cooking so I had to go to the food closet then I heard a scream, and it was so loud I could hear it from the basement where the food is stored"

After detective and interrogated all the suspect she immediately knows who the killer was and so she immediately arrested Ms. John.

"Why are you arresting me!" demanded Ms. John, soon reporters came swarming the detective and the apposed killer

"What made you what made you arrest?" her asked a reporter

"Well can you wait till court" said the detective as she puts miss John in the back of a police car.

The day of the trial

10:23am the 30th of December.

"Detective and why do you think Mrs. John would kill her own husband?" the Judge asked

"Well," started detective Ann "Mr. and Ms. Smith and the butler were in the living room being served wine from the Butler, then the Butler went to the next room to check up on Mr. Jhon to find him dead, so they called the police officers, Next was the cook who said he was cooking alone had to get potatoes for the roast so he left the kitchen and went to the basement, then he heard a scream loud enough he could hear it from down there in the basement, so how could you possibly not hear that?

"That explains nothing, any way I couldn't have heard the scream I was in the bathroom helping the gash on my hand," said Ms. John

"Ok another question is you left or right-handed" asked Ann

"Left" said Ms. John

"bingo" said the detective, then the room just stared at Ann

"Look on the night of the murder you said you cut your hand which was your left hand but how could she cut your left hand if you are left-handed? you also had a watch on your right hand because you will not put a watch on your dominant hand, would you? and it makes sense to "cut" your hand because it would be on the right one because who cuts food with their weak hand now. also, you are wealthy why would you cook like it is understandable for you to cook a meal occasionally, but you had a chef to cook your food why won't you chilling with the guests, and just to be clear the cook said he was cooking alone why would he lie about that? So, in the end Ms. Jones killed Mr. John and you got the cut on your hand by the star Topper for the tree" detective Ann declared

Ms. John started to cry "yes I killed him I never loved him"

"Why?" said the judge

"because of life support and money" she barked

"I hereby sentence you to five years in jail for second degree murder" said the judge who when hit his mallet to show that he has made-up his mind.

"Wait what about life support and the house and the company" asked miss John

"Mr. John said in the will that he was saving for many years to come 1/4 will go to you and the house and the business but now, you will not get the company because of what you did but all so the money the company makes can go to charity until a descendant would come out of the blue which I doubt," said the Judge.

"Be gone now and have fun well you spend your final years in a cell rotting away goodbye," said the Judge.

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