The First Date

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notes: as stated in the summary, i highly suggest you read Prove You Love Me either all the way through. Or you can read it til chapter 4, come back here, then read chapter 5. Either way, these writings tie into that work, so I suggest you read that first. hope you enjoy your first date with Sanji :)

"I mean seriously Y/N! Next place we stop I'm taking you shopping!" Nami laughed, rummaging through her closet. "Not that it bothers me, I love an excuse to shop!" You were sitting in front of Nami's vanity mirror as Robin did your hair. Today, you were going on a date with Sanji, practically 2 weeks in the making. You had made a bet with Sanji that he had to only flirt with you, no other woman for two weeks, and if he did it, you'd go on a date. Surprisingly to everyone, he pulled through. You were proud of him, really, he really proved himself. Though part of you was excited, most of you was nervous.

"Guess I don't really own nice dresses like you do, Nami," You chuckled, and as if Robin could read your mind, she spoke.

"You seem a little nervous," She said, and you blushed at her intuition.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little..." Nami looked up with a bit of frown.

"You've got nothing to be nervous for! Sanji is head over heels for you. He just proved that for the past two weeks!" She beamed.

"I know, I know, just nerves I guess," You admitted. Robin patted your shoulder for comfort.

"It'll be okay, it's just one date. Plus, you two seem to really like each other." She said, and you sighed a little, trying to level your nerves.

"Honestly, where would I be without you guys?" You smiled as Nami walked over with a couple options on her arm.

"Definitely going on a date in regular clothes," Nami jokes, holding two dresses out to you. "You could wear the purple one you wore to the casino? He really seemed to like that one on you~" She teased with a smile and you laughed a little.

"Maybe a little too showy for a first date," You said and Nami held it up, looking at it and nodded.

"You're right. You could borrow this one! It's perfect!" She beamed holding up a baby blue dress. It was cotton, but the way it folded and draped it looked silky and velvety, about knee length with a loose neckline and straps. The three of you tilted your heads looking at it as Nami held it up.

"Let's go with it!" You beamed.

"Oh perfect! Let me give you some jewelry and let's get you ready!" Nami beamed as Robin finished your hair. You pulled on the dress as Nami gave you some pearl earrings and a necklace. Robin and Nami stepped back, looking at you with satisfied smiles.

"It's perfect!" Nami squeaked, "You look so cute!"

"You look great," Robin smiled. You turned to look in the mirror, smoothing the dress, fluffing your hair a little and smiled, you turned to hug your friends and sighed.

"I'm glad I have gal pals like you guys," You said as the two returned your hug.

"Listen, you have nothing to be nervous about," Robin said, and Nami nodded.

"It's true! Plus you look great! But you could wear an old time-y nightgown and Sanji would still gush about you," Nami laughed. You smiled and stepped back from the hug.

"Guess I better head to my room and grab my bag, wish me luck!" You said, waving to the girls as you left.

"Good luck!" Robin smiled.

"I want to hear every word of this date!" Nami said and you laughed, heading back to your room. You weren't really sure about where Sanji was planning to take you, maybe just a nice dinner, that's how most dates go right? And with him being the chief of the crew, it wouldn't surprise you. Over the past two weeks of your bet with him, you've had some date-like moments, but of course, they weren't real dates. As you pondered the possibilities, you entered your room and sat down on your bed, putting on the shoes Nami gave you and grabbing a little purse, cleaning out anything you didn't need. A few moments later, there was a knock at your door, you got up from your bed and opened it. Sure enough, there was the tall blonde cook. He was wearing his usual black suit, a blue dress shirt and a white tie. He had a lit cigarette between his lips as he grinned that handsome signature grin.

The Date to Prove You Love Me (Sanji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now