The Second Date

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"Y/N! Over here, love!" Sanji called to you as you looked up from the fruit you were looking at. You thanked the vendor and walked over to him. You and Sanji had gotten up pretty early for breakfast before the crew was up, gotten dressed, and made your way out for groceries and your 2nd date picnic. Though he was dressed casually, he still wasn't hard to spot in a crowd. He was wearing a white shirt with a striped scarf-like collar tucked into the shirt, some salmon colored shorts, and a yellow blazer. He was also wearing some pink tinted sunglasses, which you didn't see him wear often. You were wearing some baggy green cargo pants and a simple tank top. At least this time, you didn't have to ask Nami for any clothes to borrow.

"What's up?" You asked, finally reaching him and standing next to him.

"Try some of this grilled fish, it's local. I'm thinking of getting some to cook sometime." The cook said, handing you a small sample of the fish. You took a bite and nodded in approval.

"Very good. I think the crew would approve." You smiled. Sanji grinned with a nid and bought two whole fish. You looked around the market, the locals walking around each stall, buying, looking, sampling the food, just living everyday life. This was a lot less nerve-wracking than your first date, but you still had fun the night before. You looked back at Sanji, who was making conversation with the vendor, a smile on his face, cigarette in one hand, picnic basket with lunch and other groceries he had already bought in the other. It almost made you happy to see him in his element other than in the kitchen.

"Are you ready to keep going?" Sanji asked you, snapping you back to reality.

"Yeah! Sure! How much more are we looking for?" You asked, pretending you hadn't just spaced out staring at him and peered over his arm as he put the cigarette between his teeth and fished out his grocery list.

"Well, we need a couple more vegetables, some more meat, and some grains. We should be good with everything else since we picked off the fruit already." Sanji explained.

"Makes sense, considering how much meat Luffy consumes." You chuckle as he stuffed the lost back in his pocket.

"Let's finish this list my dear, then we'll picnic for lunch," he smiled, puffing a cloud of smoke away from you and offering his arm for you to hold. You gently grabbed his arm as you and Sanji strolled through the outdoor market.

"Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to sit and eat," you said and you two stopped and perused over the next stall looking at the vegetables.

"Me too," He smiled at you and picked up some eggplant. "Are you having fun on this date, my love?" The question almost took you off guard as he handed the vegetable to you to hold as he would probably hand you all he was going to buy.

"Of course! It's such a lovely day, and it's fun exploring food with someone who knows it so well." You said, as he handed you some more vegetables, seeing him cross off his mental list of what he needed specifically.

"It's pretty fun, huh?" He chuckled.

"I love you wining and dining me, don't get me wrong, but this is also fun." You admitted, blushing a little at your own response.

"Well I do that every day, cooking for you and the crew." Sanji grinned, glancing up at you and grabbing more to hand you. As you grabbed the vegetables from him, your fingers slightly brushed his, making both of you look at eachother and blush. Pulling your hands away and looking away shyly.

"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say we appreciate you cooking everyday." You said.

"I love to do it! Even if it's cooking so much food just to keep up with Luffy's appetite." He chuckled, taking the vegetables from you and handing you the basket so he could buy them.

The Date to Prove You Love Me (Sanji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now