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Edward stands in his large mansion, in his attack, staring out the window with sorrowful and longing eyes, overlooking the neighborhood he once resided. All he's been able to do is carve ice sculptures, keep up with the trimming of his garden, but mostly thinking about Kim. Remembering his beautiful first and only true love. His heart aches for her. He wonders every day and night how she is doing, if she is happy, and safe. He misses the other Boggs family members as well. Kevin, Peg, Bill. All of them took him in like he was their own. They accepted him for what he was. But he was he still doesn't quite understand. All Edward knew was that he was different. Maybe even a monster. He had hurt Kevin, granted he saved Kevin's life. He never meant to harm Kevin. And Kim. He cut her hand accidentally after being startled by her angry ex-boyfriend. And her ex-boyfriend. Jim. He had killed Jim. It was entirely self defense none the less. He hit Kim and pushed her down. He hurt his sweet Kim. He was also going to kill Edward. He protected both himself and his love. But yet, Edward still killed him. Still hurt Kevin and Kim. Still frightened people. He knew why Kim left. He knew she had to. He wanted her to. But at the same time, he wanted to just hold her close for as long as he lived. She said she loved him. Love. He knew his Father loved him. But he never really quite knew what love was, until Kim. Now he knows he loved Kevin, Peg and Bill as well. But Kim. He was in love with her. He will never know why Kim ever possibly could have loved him, or how the rest of her family could either. He is an unfinished experiment and a monster. And now he is all alone. Left again by the only other person that ever truly, truly loved him for who he was, besides his father. He knows now he will never be loved again. He will love the rest of his odd and depressing life alone in his dark and empty mansion. And for the first time, a single year rolled down his pale face. He looked down trying to see what it was, having never felt that before. A little scared of what it could be, he quickly reached up to wipe away the offending feeling, only to scratch himself, harshly, leaving a long red and bloodied gash running down his right eyebrow passed his eye, thankfully and onto his pale and already scarred cheek. He gasps at the pain before going completely still, not wanting to cause himself more pain. After a moment he holds his right hand up to his face to find one of his razor sharp blades fingers coated in crimson liquid. He slowly lower his hand and goes back to looking out the window, longingly.


Officer Allen say on his couch at 10pm deep in thought. His TV blared as he stared at it, not know what was even playing but not even caring. Only one word was on his mind. One name. Edward. Not too many months ago he remember that young shy and kind man that had come to the neighborhood and practically became part of the Boggs family. Peg Boggs was a very sweet woman and took the boy in as her own. Part him and probably part of Peg probably knows that was a bad idea. Not because of Edward though. Even thought Edward was an accomplice in robbing that house he knows now that it was because of Jim. That young high school senior ex-boyfriend of Kim's. He frown remembering the that boy had died that night. The night everything just went to shit. It wasn't Edward's fault. Once Kim had explained to home he actually had saved Kevin's life and that killing Jim was in self defense, he knew Edward had done nothing wrong. Edward must forget sometimes that his hands are not like everyone else's, and people naturally use there hands to express themselves. All Edward was doing after he saved Kevin was checking on the child and touching his face , like a parent would do. He never meant to hurt the boy. But it didn't look good for Edward in the eyes of the gossips in the neighborhood. He felt bad for the kid. He was just as shocked as everyone else by the new comer. He was very different, with those scissorhands of his, but just because someone is different does not mean they should be treated like a monster. Edward was not a monster. Quite the opposite. A very gentle misunderstood soul that only ever wanted to belong and feel loved. Allen knows that now. He knew it then , too. That's why he didn't catch Edward that night. He wanted home to escape. He took the kid like his own almost. Must be because he has a young son of his own and would never want him to be treated that way. He even life for Edward. Told his captain that he shot Edward but then Edward just vanished so he went up to the attic to look for him and startled Jim. He said that Jim fell on something sharp in the attic and backed up and fell out of the attic window resulting in his death. The whole story was BS but his captain thankfully bought it. Allen sighs, thinking about Edward. How alone he must be. Part of hime wants to go up there and check in the boy. His kid is staying with his aunt and it's late and dark outside know one would see him. He wouldn't want anyone seeing him go up to Edward's mansion for Edward's sake. That part wins him over.

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