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"Y/N, come down!" Your mother's urgent voice pierced through the immersive world of your video game. Annoyed, you swiftly removed your headset and hollered back, "I'm in the middle of a game right now!"

"I said right now!" your mother's response was even louder, and you couldn't help but think, "Damn, woman, chill," as you grudgingly made your way downstairs. As you hurried down the stairs, you sudden slip sending you tumbling. Your eyes widened as you caught sight of your mother below, engaged in conversation with some guests. "Mum, watch out!" you blurted in a panic, your face meeting the ground. You winced and muttered, "Shit, that hurts," as you rubbed your sore cheeks.

Your mother quickly reprimanded you, "Young man, you do not curse." You offered a sheepish apology, trying to stifle a laugh. "Very disrespectful for the guests," she scolded. You shot up, surprised. "Guests?" you echoed, looking up to see a man, presumably the guest, along with his wife and son, who seemed to be suppressing laughter.

"Sorry about that," your mother said, trying to smooth things over. "You can see that my son is quite the troublemaker." However, you had already retreated to the kitchen. Your mother's frustrated shout, "Y/N L/N!"

As you walked back from the kitchen to the living room, you couldn't help but feel the weight of your mother's glare piercing through you. It was an intense look, and you couldn't help but think, "Scary," as you entered the room "I was hungry," you explained, holding up a box of cereal. "Now, now," your dad intervened, placing a hand on your shoulder. "This is my son, Y/N."

An awkward silence hung in the air until your dad prompted you to speak. "Do I have too I was in a middle of a game" you said rolling your eyes you looked up to the boy and sighed "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you," you said unamused. The woman laughed at your introduction. " Well this is my son," as she beamed at her own child. Player, now properly introduced, looked over at you with a grin. "I'm P/N, but you can call me Player," he offered. "Let me guess, a code name," you quipped, amused by the idea. He nodded,  "Yeah."

As you and players' parents engaged in conversation, you and player found yourselves caught in an awkward moment. Both of you exchanged glances, trying to figure out how to break the ice in this unfamiliar situation. "Shit, I forgot I'm in the middle of a game," you exclaimed, the realization hitting you. "Y/N!" your mum's voice echoed once more. "What did I tell you?"

"Ugh," you groaned in annoyance, feeling the frustration build up. "Can I go back to my room?" you asked "What about taking P/N with you?" Players Mum suggested, pointing to Player. You glanced over at him and asked, "Do you wanna come?" Player seemed intrigued, asking, "Where?" You replied, "My room." He agreed with a casual, "Sure." You rushed to your room and settled into your chair, placing your headset back on. Player took in the surroundings and commented, "Nice set." "Thanks," you replied smiling "Shit, I got kicked out of the game." You sighed in frustration and looked up at Player, asking "how old are you?"

Player POV

"P/N, we're going," my mom's voice echoed through the house. I replied with a brisk, "Coming." Turning to Red, I said, "Hey, Red, I need to go. If you need me, just hit me up." Red responded casually with a simple, "Yeah, no problem."

I swiftly grabbed my bag, stuffing my laptop and headset inside. Descending the stairs, I was met with my mom's welcoming smile as she asked, "Ready to go?" "Yep," I replied with a matching smile.

Approaching the car, my dad greeted me and couldn't help but ask, "You're bringing a bag with you?" He looked puzzled, and I tried to sound convincing as I replied, "Uhh, yeah, maybe. You know, just in case I get bored." Admittedly, I wasn't very skilled at hiding my intentions.

My mom settled into the car, and she inquired, "How are you feeling?" "Good, I guess," I replied. Inside the car, I turned on my laptop, just in case Red needed me. As it turned out, she didn't, so I closed my laptop and gazed out the window.

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