Chapter 16: Puffer

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



My phone notified in the middle of carrying both coffees on a tray. I took it out of my pocket and gave a glance for just a moment.

[ "What are you doing?" ] and on the top-left part was the name Sage. I didn't gave it attention and slid it to my pocket after turning it off. I made my way to the table, seeing Rijo with his phone but then placed it on the table after noticing me.

He smiled at me while I serve out the coffees from the tray. He tried helping me, holding one side of the tray; he even half-stood. I sat on the seat in front of him. One sip as the conversation started.

"This is familiar," he commented after tasting.

"Ordering it was kind of weird," also a comment. He raised his sight from the coffee and gave me a wondering expression off his brows.

"Because," emphasis on that word, "they already know the order...or not, someone had the same-est usual order from me. It's so weird, it's my first time here."

"Is it?" he asked which I replied with a nod. His expression went more confused; but then from the looks of it, he didn't overthink, rather took a sip. "I thought I've seen you around here."

"Is my face that common?" somewhat felt offended but in a sarcastic way.

"No, no, it's quite the opposite because I always notice people who are unique. I know someone I saw if I see them again."

"So you're concluding that I slept walk and spent the day here?" I gave him a smile, seeming to burst from laughter. "Actually that's more rational."

"That, that is weird," he smiled along.

Silence came. When I realize the mood, from looking at his eyes to looking at the dark brew, I roamed my eyes nowhere near any sight. I realized that I was talking more casual with Rijo than any of our past conversation, on top of that, spending my entire morning alone with him in a cafe I dropped a tear out of nowhere.

"You okay?" He asked which, again, I replied a nod.

"Taste nice again," he took out a compliment after sipping his coffee which was the same with me. I mean, it'll always be good if it was muster to my tastes. "Are you sure this is no different from the order you're talking about?"

"It gets weirder when I tell you that the person's name was also same to mine, " enthusiastically, as if I was telling a campfire story. "Coincidence. I bet he's my twin—wait, am I delusional to think I have a twin? You know, because I am an only child and my parents don't really talk about having a child besides me. Actually, this makes sense."

"I would rather believe that you slept walk here every night," jokingly Rijo said. He went serious when I gave him a brow raise.

"Fine, do you see or feel weird things at your home? Maybe connected to what you're saying? More like you heard auntie say something about having a twin?" He asked.

Silence came and I used it to think carefully. It only caused me to shake my head slowly.

Wait, did he just say auntie? So, we're in this stage now like with Sage? Only a random thought, back to what I am thinking.

"Really, I would be scared if I see too another of myself." So this is what Noah was talking about—the feeling of being scared of yourself—but all in a sarcastic way. Noah can be helpful sometimes.

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