after practice

610 7 0

Lilly pov
As practise was over I decided to hang out in the chill room I was just making tiktoks with some of the girls.

It was getting late so I decided to just go back to the room as soon as I entered
Somebody tackled me to the ground. Of course it was Hayley but that didn't stop me from fighting back. She had the upper hand I could not stop laughing and neither could she. As we were both exhausted we stop where we were and she was on top of me. I was laying on the ground and I looked her in the eyes we held contact for a bit then I saw her look at my lips a few times I decided that I was going to make the first move and kiss her. She didn't kiss me back and that when I stopped the kiss but then she kissed me back I was shocked to say the least.
As the kiss ended I looked at her and made a bold decision I said I like you I wasn't expecting to hear it back but she said that she's like me for 1 years. I kiss her cheek and said no way you liked me first.

Hayley pov
I guess I did like you first your perfect Lilly you confident you're pretty your skilful your just perfect.
Lilly then kissed me again but I decided that it was time for bed so carried Lilly to bed she was laughing the whole time. All I could think of the girl I liked for a year likes me back me out of all people. I decided I didn't want to sleep in my own bed so I cuddle Lilly all night it was the best night sleep I ever got.
After that day we got really close and a couple more kisses were shared.

(Skipped to the game day agents France because I'm lazy 😀👍)

Tony came into the room to announce the starting 11.

Sam kerr
Hayley raso
Caitlin Foord
Mary flower
Emily van egmond
Kyra Cooney cross
Ellie Carpenter
Alanna Kennedy
Steph Catley
Lilly bake
And our goal keeper is macca

I stood in shock I didn't think I was going to be in the starting line up.
I knew it was friendly but still I was surprised. Hayley came up to me and whispered in my ear you deserve it don't over think it. It's like she knew what was going inside my mind.

(Skip to the Start of the game because again I'm lazy)

The game kicked off and for 30 minutes they had the ball being a defender was very stressful. Because everyone on your team is continuing on you to make sure they don't take a shot at goals. One of their players started to run up but I slide tackled them and got the ball. I kicked it to Kyra who ran and passed to Caitlin. Caitlin took the Shoot but missed.

(Commentating person)
And we're into 35 minutes into the match none of the teams so far has scored but Australia has had one chance but missed. Hopefully they can recover and get a goal but for now it looks like france has the ball and the run up carpenter in on them but can't reach and fance takes the shot but Australia doesn't let it go in macca with the save.
Macca hands the ball to Lilly who passed it to Steph Catley Steph is running down France with a dirty tackle. Catley goes down this could be bad for Australia. Medical staff are with her as France gets a yellow card.
Looks like Steph is fine and can continue to play. It looks like it's a penalty and Lilly bake steps up to take it. Lilly shoots and she scores for the half way line what a goal for Australia.
Few minutes past
And that halftime Australia 1 France 0.

A/n I know this is super bad but oh well might make another story maybe different person though.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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